Defines the skills used in the game. New skills cannot be created in the editor -- only the 21 predefined skills are available -- but some aspects of how they work can be modified.
- Governing Attribute: This determines what attribute gains potential bonus points when the skill is used.
- Specialization: Which specialization category does the skill belong to: Combat, Magic, or Stealth. Major skills that match the specialization of the class will go up faster.
- Actions: These are hardcoded for each skill.
- Use Value: The multiplier on the Use formula to determine how many uses of that action are necessary to increase the skill by 1 point.
- Skill Image: The image displayed when that skill advances to a new rank.
- Skill Description: This text appears in the player's interface, as well as on the character creation menu (see ShowClassMenu).
- Perk Text: This text is displayed when the player's skill reaches the appropriate level: Apprentice (25), Journeyman (50), Expert (75), Master (100). These threshold values are determined by the following game settings: iSkillApprenticeMin, iSkillJourneymanMin, iSkillExpertMin, iSkillMasterMin.
Pages in category "Skills"
The following 21 pages are in this category, out of 21 total.