Heavy Armor

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Heavy Armor skill allows you to effectively and efficiently wear heavy armors. Heavy armors are Iron, Steel, Dwemer, Orcish, Ebony, and Daedric. These are the standard armors of Battlemages, Marauders and Imperial Legion members.

Governing attribute


  • Novice
    Armor degrades at 150% of normal rate.
  • Apprentice
    Armor degrades at 100% of normal rate.
  • Journeyman
    Armor degrades at 50% of normal rate.
  • Expert
    Heavy Armor encumbers at 50% the usual amount when equipped.
  • Master
    Heavy Armor does not encumber the user when equipped.

ArmorRating = ( 0.35 + 0.0065 * Skill ) * BaseArmorRating