Command an NPC/Creature to Attack

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This tutorial will explain how to set up a script on a custom NPC/creature so that by activating it you will be able to command it to attack nearby actors (including friendlies.)

Create a Global variable

Start by clicking Gameplay on the main CS menu, and select Globals from the menu.

Right-click the list on the left and select "New."


Give your variable a name. For this guide I’ll use globalvar1 but you'll want to make sure and use something unique for any global you create.

You can see it is set as a short variable by default with a value of "0" which is what we want, so click OK again to close the Globals window.

Create a Magic Effect script

Next you need to create a new script. Again from the main CS menu click Gameplay and then Edit Scripts.

In this windows click Script and then New. For Script Type select Object (this is the default.)

Paste the following into the script body, using whatever you want in place of MyFrenzyScript and again substituting globalvar1 with whatever you named your global variable from before:

ScriptName MyFrenzyScript

begin ScriptEffectStart
    SetAV Aggression 50

begin ScriptEffectUpdate
    if globalvar1 == 2
        SetAV Aggression 10

begin ScriptEffectFinish
    SetAV Aggression 10

Click the little floppy disk icon or Script-->Save to save, and then close the script window.

Create the Frenzy spell

Next click Spell from the tree menu on the left side of the Object Window. (You might have to expand the Magic branch to see it.)

Right-click the list space on the right and select "New." Give your spell a name and an ID (for this example I’ll use myFrenzySpell for the ID; you can use anything you want as well as for the Name.) Select "Ability" from the Type dropdown and make sure "Disallow Spell Absorb/Reflect", "Script Effect Always Applies", and "Immune to Silence" are all checked.


Now right-click the space on the right and select "New" to bring up the box to add a new spell effect.

For the effect choose "Script Effect" and give it a duration (I use 360 but it doesn’t really matter since in this case it will stay on until it’s dismissed.)

Give it an "Effect Name," then choose any school and visual. Do not check "Effect is Hostile."

For the Script select the one you just made.


Create the Object script for your NPC

Now this next bit needs to be in an Object type script on the character you want to be able to command. You can replace the names of the short and float variables listed at the top to be whatever you wish. Same goes for the script name:

ScriptName MyNPCScript

short timerinit
short activestat
float timer

begin OnActivate
	if IsActionRef player == 1 
		set activestat to 1
		if activestat == 1
			MessageBox "Command?", "Attack", "Defend", "Cancel"
			set activestat to 2

begin GameMode
		if activestat == 2
			set button to getbuttonpressed
			if button > -1
				if button == 0
					set globalvar1 to 1
					set activestat to 0
				elseif button == 1
					set globalvar1 to 2
					set activestat to 0
				elseif button == 2
					set activestat to 0
		if globalvar1 == 0
			set timerinit to 0
		if globalvar1 == 1
			addspell myFrenzySpell
			set globalvar1 to 0
		if globalvar1 == 2
			if timerinit == 0
				set timer to .5
				set timerinit to 1
				if timer > 0
					set timer to timer - getSecondsPassed
					removespell myFrenzySpell
					set globalvar1 to 0

That should do it. I set my summons to have aggression at 10 in their AI setup by default. That way they’ll fight when attacked but won’t go after friendlies unless you command them to.

Best of luck!
