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Troubleshooting Crashes (CTDs)

Common problems that may cause crashes.

Nested If Versus And

Don't assume that if-tests stop at the first non hit. For example,

 if (myref.isactor and myref.isincombat)

could cause a crash because myref.isincombat is always checked, even if myref isn't an actor. Use a nested IF statement instead.

Existing Object Names as Variable Names

Don't use existing object names as variable names. The existing ones get priority. If you write:

 ref bed
 set bed to ThisBedref
 player.moveto bed

this will probably cause a CTD because 'bed' is also a topic id and will get priority here.

Other possible mistake names: enemy, accept, contract, creatures, gift, help, inventory, positions, placeholder, tasks, themage.

Quest Targets

Deleting a quest target will crash the CS. You can get around this by setting the conditions so that it's never displayed.

Referencing Deleted Objects

It's easy to cause a crash by using a reference to an object that was deleted, or, in some cases to a dead actor.

For example, when using GetSelf in ScriptEffectUpdate or ScriptEffectFinish blocks for area of effect scripted spells, GetSelf can point to a dead body

This will cause a crash if you try a function that requires the object to be an actor, or even null if a summoned creature has been killed in the area.

Bow Reach Bug

This bug is fairly well-known but still crops up on occasion. The game will CTD if a bow with Reach = 0 is equipped by anyone (player or NPC). Some of the vanilla Oblivion bows have this problem, so be sure not to replicate the error in your mod.

Activate Self

When you script an object

  1. to Activate itself
  2. from a block that continously runs (i.e., GameMode, MenuMode, etc.)
  3. and not bypass the OnActivate block, as such:
begin GameMode
Activate player, 1

begin onActivate

you can cause an CTD. It seems that self-activation causes the entire script to run from the top, including the GameMode block, and so will Activate itself infinitely. You can prevent this by placing the OnActivate block before the self-activation, as such:

begin onActive

begin GameMode
Activate player, 1

Activating a Container (including NPC)

If you meet all of these conditions:

  1. Activate a Container, so that you run it's OnActivate block, that is:
YourContainer.Activate player, 1
  1. from an Object Script (and maybe a Magic Effect Script, but a Quest Script or direct activation would be safe)
  2. when a scripted item is in it (even a Scriptname declaration is too much)

you will get a CTD upon activation. The easiest way around it is to place the script on another object (an Activator, etc.) and activate it instead of the container. You can also use a Quest Script to activate the container, as such:

scn YourOpenerQuest

ref   rContainerToOpen
float fQuestDelayTime

begin GameMode
  if (fQuestDelayTime != .01) ;to activate the container quicker
    set fQuestDelayTime to .01
  rContainerToOpen.Activate player, 1
  StopQuest YourOpenerQuest

and use this whenever you want to activate a container:

scn ActivatingScript
set YourOpenerQuest.rContainerToOpen to YourContainer
StartQuest YourOpenQuest