PC Starting Location

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Revision as of 19:08, 26 April 2009 by imported>Shademe (→‎See Also:  )
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Starting Location[edit | edit source]

Without any mods installed, the starting location of a character in a new game will be in ### cell of the Imperial City Prison.

This starting location can be altered in 2 main ways: Through moving the a marker, or through assigning a new marker for the player to spawn at.

Moving the Vanilla Marker[edit | edit source]

The default PC Starting Location Marker can be found in the cell ImperialDungeon01, in the Interiors cell group. The marker that governs where the player will start a game from is named CGPlayerStartMarker. This is in the most North Eastern cell, and the marker is the closest to the prison cell door. This can be freely moved around the cell, changing the location and rotation of how the player starts.

To move the marker outside of the cell into, for example, a worldspace or a new interior, then rename or delete the marker named CGPlayerStartMarker, then create a new marker in the location where you want the player to start at, then then give it the Reference Editor ID CGPlayerStartMarker.

Creating a new Spawn Point[edit | edit source]

In the Quest, Charactergen (Form ID: 0002466E), on Quest Stage 5, you must change the text in the result script box from saying:

; in chargen
setinchargen 1
; set quest delay
set charactergen.fQuestDelayTime to .001
set MQ01.fQuestDelayTime to .1
; disable map markers
startquest MQ01
set MQ01.timer to 0
set MQ01.stage to 5
; Emperor, Blades ignore friend hits in combat
UrielSeptimRef.SetIgnoreFriendlyHits 1
RenoteRef.SetIgnoreFriendlyHits 1
GlenroyRef.SetIgnoreFriendlyHits 1
BaurusRef.SetIgnoreFriendlyHits 1
player.moveto CGPlayerStartMarker


; in chargen
setinchargen 1
; set quest delay
set charactergen.fQuestDelayTime to .001
; Emperor, Blades ignore friend hits in combat
UrielSeptimRef.SetIgnoreFriendlyHits 1
RenoteRef.SetIgnoreFriendlyHits 1
GlenroyRef.SetIgnoreFriendlyHits 1
BaurusRef.SetIgnoreFriendlyHits 1
player.moveto (Insert new PC Start Location Marker's Reference ID)

Please note that because the tutorial is, in effect, skipped, the player will not be able to access the main questline, or have the chance to change their appearance or set their birthsign or class. To allow access to the main questline, add in the follow lines to the above script:

player.additem Amuletofkings 1
setstage MQ02 10

This will give the player the Amulet of Kings, and allow them to continue in the game as normal.

If you wish to allow to let the player set their Birthsign, Class and change their Race, then use the code in the script CGSewerExitScript as a guideline.

See Also[edit | edit source]