Reference Variables
Like other variables, reference variables must be declared before they can be used:
ref refVarName
You can use a reference variable anywhere you could use an object reference. Uninitialized reference variables act as if they referred to the scripted object itself; otherwise a reference variable acts just like any other reference.
You set reference variables using the set command, like other variables. Normally, you will want to use a reference variable function, which returns a formID. For example:
set myRef to GetContainer
Like other variables, you can set a reference variable on another scripted object:
set BobRef.myRef to GetSelf
To check if a ref variable is unset:
if myReferenceVariable == 0
To check if a ref variable is set:
if myReferenceVariable != 0
To check if a ref variable is another reference (in this example the player):
if myReferenceVariable == player
Or not another reference:
if myReferenceVariable != player