MessageBox Tutorial/Ensuring Your Menu Is Seen

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For this tutorial, you will want to centralize your decision catching.

If another menu is shown before the player makes a decision, that other menu will overwrite your menu (the player will see the other menu), and any decision the player makes will be limited to that other menu. This leads to a few problems:

  • Your script will continue to run, once a frame, at least these lines:
  if (Choosing == 0)
  Elseif (Choosing > 0) && (Choice == -1) ;No choice yet
    Set Choice to GetButtonPressed

until the menu is started up again (activated again).

  • Your script won't run through the exit if (Choosing == 0)
  • Again, the player won't see or be able to answer your menus

To make sure your menu is read, after the player has finished with the other menu system so you won't disturb it's processing, replace: (due to wiki limitations, the large if test has been given line breaks, whereas in the CS it would all be on one line

  Elseif (Choosing > 0) && (Choice == -1) ;No choice yet
    Set Choice to GetButtonPressed


float MessageTimer
short MessageButton
  Elseif (Choosing > 0) && (Choice == -1) ;No choice yet
    if (MessageTimer > 0) || (MessageCounter > 0)
      set Choice to GetButtonPressed
      if (Choice > -1)
      if (MenuMode 1001 == 0)
        if (MenuMode 1004) || (MenuMode 1005) || (MenuMode 1006) ||
           (MenuMode 1010) || (MenuMode 1011) || (MenuMode 1013) ||
           (MenuMode 1015) || (MenuMode 1016) || (MenuMode 1017) ||
           (MenuMode 1018) || (MenuMode 1019) || (MenuMode 1020) ||
           (MenuMode 1021) || (MenuMode 1024) || (MenuMode 1038) ||
           (MenuMode 1039) || (MenuMode 1044) || (MenuMode 1045) ||
           (MenuMode 1046) || (MenuMode 1047) || (MenuMode 1057)
          set MessageTimer to (MessageTimer - GetSecondsPassed)
          set MessageCounter to (MessageCounter - 1)
      else ;MenuMode 1001
        set MessageTimer to 1
        set MessageCounter to 45
    else ;Display menu again
      message "Trying menu again..."
      set Choosing to -(Choosing)

and whenever you display a menu, setup the MessageTimer to 1 and the MessageCounter to 45, as such:

  Elseif (Choosing == -1) ;Display your menu
    Messagebox "Would you like to donate gold or food?" "Gold" "Food"
                                                        "Blood" "Cancel"
    Set Choosing to 1
    Set Choice to GetButtonPressed
    Set MessageTimer to 1
    Set MessageCounter to 45

And now I'm sure you want to know what all of that actually does, but some quick background first. When another menu overwrites yours, any response the player makes will be caught by the other script's GetButtonPressed, but not by your script's GetButtonPressed. That means Choice will always be -1. So, these extra lines will start a countdown once the player has left the menu screen (MenuMode 1001). If both 1 second and 45 frames pass and GetButtonPressed is still returning -1 then your menu is reset (with set Choosing to -(Choosing). The countdown won't run when the player presses <ESC> and looks through their options (that's what that whole mess of if (MenuMode 1004)... is for). This won't disturb other menus, because the countdown is reset whenever a new menu is displayed. So, once the other mod's menus are out of the way, your menu will be shown again.