Messagebox Tutorial/Set Variables

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This is a subsection of the MessageBox Tutorial, and uses this script as a base. The following code may or may not require certain aspects of that script to work, however the information should prove useful for any script (it will take a bit of care to make it work, though).

This code allows the player to use a menu to set a variable to any number (I suppose it's limited by the short/long variable limits). Basically, the player is given the current number the variable is set to, and is allowed to change it from -2 to +2. If they want to change it by more than that, they can modify it by -10, -5, +5, or +10 and then the menu is displayed again, with the new number. This allows the player to select any number (i.e., if they want -3, they would choose -5 and then +2). Due to the limit of the number of choices available, there can only be one other option. For most, this option should be Return to Previous Menu. Here's an example: (NumNewIngsDefault is the variable that the player is setting. Also, due to wiki limitations, the messagebox has several line breaks even though these wouldn't be in the CS script)

        elseif (Choosing == -22)
          messagebox "Set the default number of essences to be created.
                     (Currently %g)", NumNewIngsDefault,
                            "About 10 fewer (-12 to -8)"
                            "About 5 fewer (-7 to -3)"
                            "Default to that amount -2"
                            "Default to that amount -1"
                            "Default to that amount"
                            "Default to that amount +1"
                            "Default to that amount +2"
                            "About 5 more (+3 to +7)"
                            "About 10 more (+8 to +12)"
                            "Return to previous menu"
          set Choosing to 22
          set Choice to GetButtonPressed

        elseif (Choosing == 22)
          if (Choice == -1)
            set Choice to GetButtonPressed
          elseif (Choice == 0) ;10 fewer
            set NumNewIngsDefault to (NumNewIngsDefault - 10)
            set Choosing to -22
          elseif (Choice == 1) ;5 fewer
            set NumNewIngsDefault to (NumNewIngsDefault - 5)
            set Choosing to -22
          elseif (Choice == 7) ;5 more
            set NumNewIngsDefault to (NumNewIngsDefault + 5)
            set Choosing to -22
          elseif (Choice == 8) ;10 more
            set NumNewIngsDefault to (NumNewIngsDefault + 10)
            set Choosing to -22
          elseif (Choice == 2) ;-2
            set NumNewIngsDefault to (NumNewIngsDefault - 2)
            set Choosing to -21
          elseif (Choice == 3) ;-1
            set NumNewIngsDefault to (NumNewIngsDefault - 1)
            set Choosing to -21
          elseif (Choice == 4) ;Cancel
            set Choosing to -21  
          elseif (Choice == 5) ;+1
            set NumNewIngsDefault to (NumNewIngsDefault + 1)
            set Choosing to -21
          elseif (Choice == 6) ;+2
            set NumNewIngsDefault to (NumNewIngsDefault + 2)
            set Choosing to -21
          elseif (Choice == 9) ;Return to previous menu
            set Choosing to -2

Mins and Maxs[edit | edit source]

If you want to use minimums and/or maximums for the variable, you'll need to run checks at a few key locations. To cover all of the -10, -5, +5, +10 options place the check right before the MessageBox function, as such:

        elseif (Choosing == -22)
          if (NumNewIngsDefault < 0)
            set NumNewIngsDefault to 0
          messagebox "Set the default number of essences to be created.
                     (Currently %g)", NumNewIngsDefault,

You have a few options for the other, variable-changing options (-2, -1, +1, +2):

  • Place the check(s) inside each of those Choice sections, as such:
          elseif (Choice == 2) ;-2
            set NumNewIngsDefault to (NumNewIngsDefault - 2)
            if (NumNewIngsDefault < 0)
              set NumNewIngsDefault to 0
            set Choosing to -21
  • Place the check(s) right after all of the Choices:
        elseif (Choosing == -21)
          if (NumNewIngsDefault < 0)
            set NumNewIngsDefault to 0
          messagebox "Creation Options:"
                          "Set default number of ingredients"