Modding Etiquette

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Mod Name, Author, Description

Naming the Mod

  • Don't include version number in mod name, unless new version is incompatible with previous version.
    • If new mod is just an expansion of previous mod (and you have avoided mistakes that break backward compatibility), then users should be able to upgrade to your new mod without losing or breaking anything.
  • Avoid common names. "Cryon Chorrol House.esp", instead of "My House.esp".
  • Avoid starting with _ (underscore) or numbers or odd characters.
  • Avoid starting with "The", "A", "An".
    • Some tools allows sorting mods by name. Using articles numbers or odd characters makes the mod list sort in unexpected ways, so that the user has to look in different places (e.g. is the name of the mod "The Ayleid Steps.esp" or "Ayleid Steps.esp".)
  • Avoid long names. Long names may not show up in full in some lists (e.g. in Wrye Bash).
    • If you will have a number of optional mods, then pick an acronym (or very short name) as your base and then name other mods accordingly. E.g. TIC.esm, TIC - Warfare.esp, TIC - More Magoos.esp, TIC - Less Widgets.esp).

Fill in Mod Details

Fill in the author name and description. Some tools can display and sort by author name. Also the description should give a basic description of the mod.

Include Bash Tags

If Bash tags are relevant for your mod, then include them in the description.

Include Version Number

Include a line in the description specifying the version number like so "Version: 1.03". This makes it easy for users to know which version number they're using. Also Wrye Bash's mod list includes such version numbers in the mod lists it generates, which helps other users to diagnose problems with mod lists.


Archive Naming

Keep in mind that Bain uses mod archives directly. A well named package is a lot easier to find in a (typically long) list of archives. Same reasoning applies for users doing manual installs who hang onto their archives for future re-use.

  • Give your archive a descriptive, unique name. (E.g. not "Manual Install.7z", but "Ayleid_Steps_1-17.7z".)
  • Name the archive after the name of the package and include the version number. (E.g. "Wrye Morph 07.7z".)
    • Don't use generic names (e.g. NOT "Manual Install.7z").
    • Don't start with numbers, underscores or arbirary symbols (e.g. NOT "_My Cool Mod.7z" and NOT "1_Cool Mod.7z").
    • Don't end the archive name lie "-1234.7z". TesNexus appends package id numbers to uploaded archives, which Bain uses for it's "Open at TesNexus" command. Hence a number which looks like a TesNexus id, but is not will resul in Bain opening the wrong package at TesNexus.
    • Don't use ' - ' in the name. Mod sites will convert such names to "Yadda_-_Yadda.yz", which is unattractive. Either skip the dash (Yadda_Yadda.7z) or skip the spaces (Yadda-Yadda.7z).
  • When including version number in mod name, use either no punctuation or use an underscore. E.g. for version 1.31, use "131" or "1_31". The reason for this is that some upload sites automatically remove non-extension '.'s in the archive name.
  • If mod consists of several downloads (e.g. core plus patch or resource), then start all names the same -- this will cause them to group together when sorted alphabetically.

Archive Format

Only the following three compression formats should be used:

  • Zip is an old standard is easily created/viewed in Windows.
  • Rar is provides a little better compression, but not a lot.
  • 7z provides much better compression than zip or rar.

All three of these formats are readable by Bain and OBMM. Other formats (e.g. Ace) are not readable by Bain.

Large mods should be packed in 7z to reduce download time and reduce the load on download sites. However, you may want to compare it to rar and zip compression levels for particular packages.

Archive Structure

There are currently two main mod installers: OBMM and Bain. Many (or rather most) users install mods manually. It's possible to create archives that work well with all three installation methods (OBMM, Bain, Manual). For simple packages, this is fairly easy. For complicated packages (with optional and/or alterate files), triple mode archives are possible, though a bit more complicated to create.

For simple packages (with no optional/alternate files), the top level of the archive should correspond to the top level of the Oblivion\Data directory.

  • If you include docs, those should go at the top level, or in a subdirectory named "Docs".
  • If you include screenshots, those should go at the top level, or in a subdirectory named "Screenshots".

For complicated packages (with optional/alternate files), the top level should be divided into subpackages as described on the Bain. This works well for both Bain and manual installs.

OBMM Support

OBMM will work readily with simple packages. For complex packages, you can use Bain style sub-packaging, but you'll also need to include an installation script to install all mod files.

You can provide further support for OBMM by including an omod conversion data\config file in your archive. This can be created using OBMM (e.g. by creating the OMOD and then exporting to an omod-ready archive), or can be created using Bain (v261 or higher) through the "Omod Info..." command for projects.

Summary: the omod conversion data can have four files:

  • config: This contains the mod name, version, author, website, email and short description of the mod. This cannot be written by hand, but must be generated by either OBMM or Bain.
  • screenshot: This is a screenshot in jpg format (but without the '.jpg' extension). Any jpg image should work, so long as it is renamed to 'screenshot'.
  • script.txt: This is the installation script. It can be written/edited in a text editor.
  • info.txt: This is generated by the omod archive export, but isn't actually required. You can skip it.

Patch Archives

For large mods, its usually desirable to release both full downloads and patch downloads, where the patch download allows users who downloaded a previous version to upgrade to latest version without having to re-download the full mod.

Patch downloads should always be cumulative. I.e. don't require the the download to download one patch that goes from v145 to 146, then another from 146 to 147, etc. Instead, have one patch download that will go from v145 (or higher) to whatever the current version is.

Patch archives should be named to indicate both the version that they're patching from and the version that they're patching to. E.g. "Cobl 145 to 159.7z". A patch named this way is then expected to patch from v1.45 (or higher) to 1.59.

Tip: Bain users should have two projects: One for the full release and a second for the patch release.

Resource Archives

For mods that have a large, fairly unchanging resource set, it's sometimes desirable to release that resource set as a separate archive package. E.g. Better Cities follows this approach.

Note: Cobl provides a number of resources (e.g. hair and eyes) that other mods can take advantage of.