Talk:Rotating an object about local angles/axes

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Revision as of 09:59, 7 June 2011 by imported>Diarrhoe (→‎How to use)
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How to use[edit source]

Thank you very much for this nice piece of code.
However, I'm not quite clear about is's usage.
Assuming that I want to rotate an object about it's local z-axis by 30°... how is that supposed to be implemented in the code? Do I just have to add it to the worldAngZ-variable?
Diarrhoe 15:17, 6 June 2011 (EDT)

Maybe I should have been a little bit clearer. Basically this is an algorithm, meaning that you have an input and an output. The input are the axis order and the local angles; the output are the world angles.
For your example this algorithm is not necessary, because any rotation about only one axis is always a world rotation already (because the local axes are still orthogonal with the world axes). The conversion from local to world axes becomes necessary if a second angle is changed. E.g. you want to rotate an object about the local Z axis by 30° and have it tilted on the X axis by 45°. If you choose an axis order of 2 = xzy, the object is first rotated about the X angle. The local Z-axis has changed now (it's perpendicular to the x and y axes)! Then the Z rotation is added to the previous rotation.
Here's how you could implement the example in a script:
First you need an object to rotate, in this case it's myObject.
Then you set the desired angles and order.
set localAngX to 45
set localAngY to 0
set localAngZ to 30

set axisOrder to 2
Then you let the bulk of the code run as it is presented in the article.
set sx to sin localAngX
set cx to cos localAngX
  set worldAngX to -ATan2 r23 r33
  set worldAngY to -ASin r13
  set worldAngZ to -ATan2 r12 r11

Finally apply the calculated world rotation to the object.
myObject.setAngle x worldAngX
myObject.setAngle y worldAngY
myObject.setAngle z worldAngZ
You don't manually change the world angles.
Mind you, this code also works for rotations about a single axis. But it would be wasteful to do a conversion in that case.
Hope that helps. If not I'll try again. ThePhilanthropy 17:32, 6 June 2011 (EDT)
All right, I think I got it right now.
Guess I missunderstood the previous version including getAngle and wondered about the difference between localAngX/Y/Z and worldAngX/Y/Z.
However, you were right assuming that I meant an additional rotation to an object already rotated about an other axis. I should have made it clearer.
Thanks for the explanation anyway.
Diarrhoe 10:59, 7 June 2011 (EDT)