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Make sure you don't start in the exterior cell if you are changing weather...otherwise your sky will be must first start in an interior cell then load into the exterior...I don't know why but the game engine doesn't like starting in a player made exterior...

Is there any way to query these values from scripts? For example, knowing the wind speed, sun damage, or lightning frequency would be useful. Mrflippy 03:11, 10 April 2006 (EDT)

Yes Flippy, check out the Functions Category - there are a few weather related functions including GetWindSpeed - not sure about the sun damage one. Something tells me there are more of these than documented here too. --Brainspackle 03:51, 10 April 2006 (EDT)

Is there a way to modify/add to the list of colours in the colour chooser? The list contains color settings for ambient, fog, sky, sunlight etc. Can we add new colours to this list via the construction set or any other way? onepixelsquare

What do you mean? The type? There are only so much weather types in game you can't add new ones. Or the select-color menu? You can choose out of 2^24 = 16'777'216 colors that should be enough. Those are the same 2^24 Colors you have everywhere, the construction set just displays them as 65536 colors with 256 grades of brightness instead of the usual 256 base-colors in 65536 shades--JOG 04:24, 16 July 2006 (EDT)

No - the choice of colours in the palette is fine, and the number of weather types too. I'm trying to add to the list of colors set for each type of weather, at each time of day. So, for the weather type 'Clear', there are settings for each time of day, and for each of those, there is a colour for 'ambient', a colour for 'sky-Lower' and 'sky-Upper', a colour for 'sunlight', etc. I'd like to know if it's possible to add new colours to this list? In my case, I'd like to change the list to include 'sunlight-Upper' and 'sunlight-Lower' and be able to set a colour for each. Does anyone know how/where this list is stored? --Onepixelsquare 19:58, 16 July 2006 (EDT)

As I wrote above, no you can't add new types, unless you get Bethsoft's code and compile a new Oblivion.exe. The Weather info is stored in the WEAT structure, but this info is meaningless, as the best thing that can happen when you add new data there is that Oblivion ignores it.--JOG 12:48, 17 July 2006 (EDT)

OK - that makes sense. Just out of interest - where do I find this WEAT structure? Thanks!--Onepixelsquare 22:19, 17 July 2006 (EDT)

In the ESP when you use an Hex-Editor. Some of the ESP structures are described in detail on the [USEP wiki], though not WTHR (not WEAT ;)--JOG 10:18, 18 July 2006 (EDT) ---

Hm, Ive now found a problem where I do change the weather, but it wont stay changed. Example is Its clear when you enter game, but its raining with no sound (From trying to change Kvatch weather). So sky is nice but you still see rain. Any ideas on how to change this? Also any ideas how to change weather in a certain area, like a forest or is that just default? Please respond ASAP!

        The rain is a NIF file thats why it remains when you changed the weather. What you need to do is to go to the weather you have and then go to the second tab named "Precipitation" and remove the NIF file that should be the raining you don't want.

Enhanced Weather[edit source]

You are wrong about not being able to add weather types. There are a lot of ways to do Add them, but I don't know how to do it, sorry. People before me have already done so, Like This one: Enhanced Weather