Revision as of 15:07, 21 December 2023 by (talk)
A command for Oblivion Script Extender
(nothing) SetWeatherColor red:short green:short blue:short whichColor:short weather:ref whichTime:short
Sets the red, green and blue values for the specified weather color at the specified weather time.
RGB Values[edit | edit source]
0: Red 1: Green 2: Blue
Weather Colors[edit | edit source]
0: Sky Upper 1: Fog 2: Clouds Lower 3: Ambient 4: Sunlight 5: Sun 6: Stars 7: Sky Lower 8: Horizon 9: Clouds Upper 10: Lightning
Weather Times[edit | edit source]
0: Sunrise 1: Day 2: Sunset 3: Night
See Also[edit | edit source]
- Climates
- GetCurrentWeatherID
- GetWeatherColor
- SetWeatherWindSpeed
- SetWeatherCloudSpeedLower
- SetWeatherCloudSpeedUpper
- SetWeatherTransDelta
- SetWeatherSunGlare
- SetWeatherSunDamage
- SetWeatherFogDayNear
- SetWeatherFogDayFar
- SetWeatherFogNightNear
- SetWeatherFogNightFar
- SetWeatherHDRValue
- SetWeatherLightningFrequency