User:A Colossal Problem

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Revision as of 21:08, 1 September 2008 by imported>A Colossal Problem (→‎Another Question)
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Another Question[edit | edit source]

I'm trying to get the Bridge Blades to work, but they won't move at all. What I need to happen is the player has to shoot an arrow at a target through the blades as they move on their own. I do require that they stand on a platform (the Button one) but even when I enable a parent, nothing happens. Help?

Could you be more specific? Bridge Blades? I am going to assume you mean the "Falling Blades" trap found in Ayleid Ruins ( see here ). The problem may well be that your trap is missing the script which controls its animation. eg. a lever activator will not move when activated without a script telling it to do so (what I am trying to say is that the animations aren't played by default). Anyway with the arrow part, you could look at the Thieves Guild quest: Ultimate Heist, the part with the Arrow of Extrication I do believe achieves essentially the same thing as you are trying to achieve. It uses a collision box, getting it to recognise any projectile however might be an issue (as the arrow of extrication is a unique object), I don't know as I have not looked at the script.--Antares 02:03, 26 August 2008 (EDT)
Yes exactly that. And extra thanks for the link. Let me be more specific:

The PC goes into a room with nothing in it besides objects and a pressure plate. When they step on the pressure plate, all of the enemies appear. They are not hostile, just targets. The falling blades are meant to make the shot harder. I already have the on death part all set, they die and the bridge comes up, I just need to make it hard by adding these blades, especially for my final boss.--A Colossal Problem 16:24, 29 August 2008 (EDT)

Doesnt sound as though it should be too challenging. If you look at the scripts on any falling blades trap in a ruin you could copy the code for your own trap. If you only want the blades to move whilst on the pressure plate I suggest that you actually have 2 traps that occupy the exact same space, one is static and doesnt move the other moves (when on pressure plate). To achieve this effect simply en/disable the appropriate trap.
In regards to the arrow as I said in my previous post, The final thieves guild quest with the arrow of extrication should give you all the answers you need. I would consider doing this myself and sending it to you but I am rather tied up with a few of my own mods. Maybe in the not too distant future. In conclusion this should prove fairly easy to do as all the coding/scripting you require already exists in perfectly functional scripts.Good luck mate--Antares 11:01, 30 August 2008 (EDT)
=/ That's the thing. I was never able to get traps to work in the beginner's tutorial. I'm going to go reread it.--A Colossal Problem 22:01, 1 September 2008 (EDT)
Also I forgot to ask: Spiked Barrier<-- would that be able to tip on it's side (so you could stand on it) to make it instead of being a deadly trap, a platform for me to make a quest based on?--A Colossal Problem 22:08, 1 September 2008 (EDT)

A question on how to do something[edit | edit source]

I'm trying to make a door do a check if the player has any weapons, besides bows and arrows. Is there a way to do that?

With OBSE, yes. Loop through his inventory using GetInventoryObject and use GetWeaponType on each weapon to find out if any are not bows. Scruggs 23:09, 15 August 2008 (EDT)

Also, and this is not needed but would be kinda nice, is there a sort of "Environment Effect" That causes all people within range to suffer from silence? That was the PC can only use Bows and Arrows against the boss.

All people or just the PC? You can disable the 'Cast' control, or reduce the player's magicka to zero, or something else. To be honest I don't remember if Oblivion has a Silence spell or not. If it does you might try adding a Silence ability to the player. Scruggs 23:09, 15 August 2008 (EDT)

Also I want the boss that the PC will fight to move around based on it's current health, like if the boss has 400/500 health left, it will move to a certain area, or even better, when the PC hits the boss a few times, it will run away to a certain area.

Controlling an actor's AI is tricky during combat. I would set up a travel package for him to make him run to the area you want. Script him so that when he reaches 400 health, you call SetGhost followed by StopCombatAlarmOnActor. This will stop him from fighting and make him temporarily invincible (and thus unable to re-enter combat and ruin your AI scripting). Let him do the travel package and then un-ghost him and allow combat to start back up. Scruggs 23:09, 15 August 2008 (EDT)

Other Stuff[edit | edit source]

I doubt anyone is going to run into this but w/e. Hopefully someone will and help me out:

I'm trying to design this scene:

  1. The Player runs to the chest and uses it. Regardless of if the player puts the note in the chest or not, the quest will update to stage 80.(Done)
  2. On stage 80, my antagonist will appear along with 6 other assassins. (Done)
  3. The player will lose movement and fighting controls, so the PC can just watch the scene unfold.(Not sure how to do this)
  4. The Antagonist talks as in the way that the lead order guy did it at the end of shivering isles, and the lich guy from Where the Spirits Have Lease talked. (I get how to do it)
  5. Then, after he speaks, the assassins attack the PC, the antagonist disappears and they are forced to fight.(Small problems...)
  6. The PC kills all 6 assassins and the quest updates to stage 85.

What ends up happening is this:

  1. Player goes to the chest, stage update as normal.
  2. Everything appears, and starts attacking each other. All of the assasins besides one and my antagonist die...
  3. I laugh and qqq out.

...what's happening...

Also: Just found this out from testing but, Whenever I attack them they say "Hey! I'm on your side!" <---That has GOT to be why.

3. Use DisablePlayerControls. Check out the conversation that takes place in the Thieves Guild quest when a certain person is arrested for stealing an object which you planted in her home for an example.
5. What small problems?
If they say "I'm on your side" it means that at least one of them has a package like Follow with Player as the target, and their AI settings are not correct (Aggression must be greater than their Disposition to the player. If the assassins are attacking each other, you should put them all in a single faction and give that faction +100 disposition to itself.
Need more help, post more info. Scruggs 01:17, 4 August 2008 (EDT)
Ah okay make a faction. The Small problem was that as soon as the assassins activated, they all started either attacking EACH OTHER or DEMIX (My antagonist). The set faction thing should help, and after the cutscene I plan to move him out of view and disable him. Once they are all in a faction this problem should be solved. Thanks for the help. I'm not really sure how to make a faction yet, but I have a general idea so I should be fine. Also my AI for them is set like this:

Ambush Package:

Aggression = 100 Target: Player Near Current Location: Yep Radius: 500

I thought that should have made them attack me...but I guess since they like me, they team up on Demix and each other, and do anything BUT attack me. So in short I should do this:

  1. Create an Assassin faction just for them, and make their disposition to other in that faction really high.
  2. ...--A Colossal Problem 02:37, 4 August 2008 (EDT)
Just found out, their disposition to me is 100...trying to fix it now.

Dungeon Ideas[edit | edit source]

  • Entire floor is water, key is at the bottom guarded by a giant fish.
  • Boss enemy on top of a platform, too much health to kill by normal means, must push it/trick it off into the lava below to kill it.
  • Confusing maze of those walls that move and hit you.
  • Two buttons, one puzzle. One opens the door, one closes all of them and releases X of ___ that you have to kill in order to move on.
  • Wire trap on a hillish area that releases logs at the top of the hill, making you have to run back down the hill to not get hit by the logs.
  • A bunch of moving platforms that you have to jump across.
  • An archer boss enemy that you can't reach but can kill by activating traps all across the room. To add, you are on the moving platforms from the last idea.
  • Giant boss enemy that in order to kill, you must trick it into following you to lead it into a trap.
  • A room filled with ranger type enemies, with a room that has tons of cover:

[] [] [] [] [] [] []

[] [] [] [] [] [] []

like that

  • A leap of faith jump into water below.
  • A boss enemy that imprisons two friends, and to release one you have to kill the other by hitting a button. After pressing the button, the machine malfunctions and releases both after another friend intervenes.

Dungeon Ideas that I like and what I need to know on how to make them[edit | edit source]

  1. Boss enemy on top of a platform, too much health to kill by normal means, must push it/trick it off into the lava below to kill it.
    • How to make lava deal ridiculous amounts of damage, as in enough to kill a boss that has 100,000 health in a few seconds.

--Check on using ResetHealth instead - lowers value of health needed

  1. Confusing maze of those walls that move and hit you.
    • How to move the gates in a pattern that is set. (AI for doors? lol)

--Check out MoveTo and use increments in a script controlled by GetSecondsPassed

  1. Two buttons, one puzzle. One opens the door, one closes all of them and releases X of ___ that you have to kill in order to move on.
    • How to make a button open up a bunch of doors, thus releasing the enemies.

--Probably use the Lock and Unlock functions - monsters should be able to open unlocked door to get at player

  1. Wire trap on a hillish area that releases logs at the top of the hill, making you have to run back down the hill to not get hit by the logs.
    • How to set up a trap like that

--Check a dungeon in the CS that uses that type of trap & recreate it in new location

  1. A bunch of moving platforms that you have to jump across.
    • How again, to move platforms in that way, and at the correct speed so that the PC can actually make it slightly reliability.
  1. An archer boss enemy that you can't reach but can kill by activating traps all across the room. To add, you are on the moving platforms from the last idea.
    • =/Traps

--Daisy chain traps/set them to activate the next

  1. A leap of faith jump into water below.
    • How to make a room like that.....
    • How to get the PC OUT after falling like that.

--Start with ResetFallDamageTimer if it is a long fall

Boss Ideas[edit | edit source]

  • Giant Fishy
  • A sniper with an arrow that moves 5x as fast, and deals 100 damage, however the bow itself on can fire at a rate of .2 normal speed. Make it a big sniper battle between two marksmen.
    • Probably will have to design the quest so that you need high marksmanship to play it.
  • A boss that has the ability to push you away after you hurt it once. Immune to Spell damage.
  • A boss using Midus magic :D
  • A boss with 100% reflect spell and 100% reflect damage, and 1 health. This means that one reflect spell or reflect damage kills him.
    • Design the quest to require high Mysticism.
  • A boss that you fight WHILE falling.
  • A mage boss that sits up high and controls the room you stand in. You have to trigger all of the traps so that he dies, while he is constantly activating traps to kill YOU. Also 100% reflect, 100,000 health, etc. Invisible to all damage basically besides a trap.

Boss introduction ideas[edit | edit source]

  • PC runs into a room, loses controls at a certain point. Door opens and releases a big creature. Creature roars, and the ground shatters. Both the player and the boss fall down to the water below and fight.
  • Wolf noise occurs. Player loses controls. Hears a sound bit of a wolf eating another animal. 5 seconds later, another howl. Then the player gets controls again. Once the PC leaves the area, he loses controls again and the sound of the PC stepping on a twig plays, and the Wolf boss comes out and they fight.
  • A mage boss that sits up high and controls the room you stand in. You have to trigger all of the traps so that he dies, while he is constantly activating traps to kill YOU. Also 100% reflect, 100,000 health, etc. Invisible to all damage basically besides a trap.
  • From the mage boss idea from before: You begin to enter the room hearing laughter. the Boss keeps laughing until you are right in front of him. Then he says something epic, and activates two traps, both which smash two things into the ground RIGHT next to you. Then a third comes down and activates a trap up where he is. He gets mad, and the PC gets how to beat him, and the boss battle begins.

Quest Ideas[edit | edit source]

  • Giant Beasts threatening cities. A man is creating them and you have to stop him. (Currently creating)
  • Huge gang that is ruining the IC. You are called upon by the guard as long as your fame or infamy is at least 40. You have to kill all of the leaders, suppliers, and their elites.

Mod Ideas[edit | edit source]

  • Random Boss battles:
    • Add at least 100 different randomly placed boss battles in areas all over Cyrodil. Not just random enemies that are big or something stupid like that, full on boss enemies like some of the Boss ideas from my Boss Ideas list.
  • Guild of the Greats:
    • A guild where some of the best armor is found, some of the best weapons, strangest weapons, best fighters and trainers exist. Must be level 30 to join. Contains different sparing enemies that help teach you techniques in oblivion. Different other services such as Useful spells Seller (not the crap oblivion gives you).

Ideas, expanded[edit | edit source]

Base Idea[edit | edit source]

An archer enemy that can hit you, but you can't hit it because it is in an unreachable area. The enemy cannot take damage by normal means either, and has a lot of health.

Events[edit | edit source]

  1. PC walks into the room, the gate closes behind the PC.
  2. The door on the other side of the room then opens and the boss enemy walks out.
  3. Platforms come down from the ceiling and start moving all around the room.
  4. PC frantically finds a way to step onto the platforms to get to all of the buttons.
  5. Each button opens a door, and when all the doors are opened, the logs are revealed.
  6. The PC uses a fire magic spell that was given to them to shoot the logs down their trap and hit the boss enemy.
  7. When it dies, another platform carries the PC to the other side, to the door where the boss came out of.

Specifics[edit | edit source]

  • Base of the room is filled with lava. Should do enough damage so that you can't swim to the boss.

--Check to make sure that 100% fire protection won't prevent player from taking damage

  • Most platforms will be slow enough to jump on, however some will be fast in an attempt to knock the player off.
  • There will be break zones at the buttons.
  • The archer will be a master marksman. This makes resist paralysis really important.
  • There will be four buttons, each one opens up a door. Once all four are open, a fifth one will appear in the center, along with another safe zone near it. Using this button will cause logs to fall onto the boss, killing it.
  • The logs will deal about 100,000 damage to the enemy, this way the boss can't be killed by high damage.
  • The boss will have 100% reflect spell and 100% reflect normal weapon damage. On death these rings will be destroyed.

What I need to find out[edit | edit source]

  • How to make it so objects will float in a certain pattern.

--Check out MoveTo - may not work as moving items might not support character

  • How to make it so those objects will move faster than normal.
  • How to make an activator + save zone appear after hitting four other buttons.

--Check out Disable, Enable, and TrigZoneAutoSave under Activator in CS

  • How to remove the rings from the boss.

--Check out AddItem and RemoveItem

  • How to make the first three parts of "events" work.