User talk:Omzy

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Revision as of 04:15, 8 June 2007 by imported>Omzy
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Mod Discussion

Spell Deflection

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An Underground Blacksmith

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Spell Pack (BETA)

Wow! That was amazing. That is all I can think of saying at the moment, apart from the game crashing pretty badly just after I killed that Palace Guard, but that may not have been because of this... Anyway:


Pretty much everything, amazing effects, unbelieveable spells, and overall awesomely done.
I wouldn't be surprised if this became one of the best of the best mods (with a little fine-tuning)


The Heat Seeking Orbs seems to be able to pass through static objects. Not sure about Discharge crystals... And as sure as heck I have no idea of how to fix it.
How about changing some of the spells' categories (destruction, alteration, mysticism, etc...)
Maybe make a new icon for each of those spells
Slow framerate, not sure if anything can be done about it though.
Demi spell-> I think I saw one of the guards get a little stuck in the staircase at one point, but he got out.
Fire columns: Make a cloud above the beams. It doesn't make sense for them to just stop in mid-air. Of course, it would be very nice if it could go up a LOT higher, heheheh.
Maybe you could change the texture or shader of the heat seeking Sigil Stones?
Not sure when this happened, but was there supposed to be a scamp? Was it the ??? spell?
Overall, I found it amazing. Great work, Omzy! -The Imperial Dragon