Revision as of 23:26, 4 December 2009 by imported>Vagrant0
Keyboard shortcuts[edit | edit source]
Also commonly called hotkeys, or quick-keys, these keys or buttons will perform actions in the CS which are often useful to modders. Some of these are not documented anywhere else.
Function | Shortcut |
Undo | Ctrl-Z |
Redo | Ctrl-Y |
Cut (Render Window) | Ctrl-X |
Copy (Render Window) | Ctrl-C |
Paste (Render Window) | Ctrl-V |
Paste in Place (Render Window) | Ctrl-Shift-V |
Duplicate | Ctrl-D |
Find | Ctrl-F |
Find Next | F3 |
Find Prev | F2 |
Save | Ctrl-S |
Render Window Keyboard Shortcuts[edit | edit source]
Function | Shortcut |
Markers | M |
Light Radius (shows volume affected by light source) | L |
Wireframe | W |
Bright Light | A |
Sky | Y |
Collision Geometry | F4 |
Reload current cell or quad if in exterior (does not clear changes) | F5 |
Center Isometrically | C |
Center on Top | T |
Landscape Editing | H |
Show Texture Info (while Landscape Editing) | I |
Drop Item to Floor | F |
Mouse Zoom | V |
Scale | S |
Display Exterior Cell Borders | B |
Clip Objects (Show only Landscape) | Shift+C |
Toggle Water | Shift+W |
Move Individual Havok Shape (works on dead actors, Havok Sim must be on) | Ctrl+Alt |
Tes CS Scene Graph | Shift+F10 |