Talk:Movement Game Settings
Discussions[edit source]
I've decided to document experiments used to reverse engineer formulas. Put random discussion stuff here to avoid messing up experiments below. ABO 21:11, 1 May 2008 (EDT)
Maybe the swimming stuff deserves it's own Swimming Game Settings page. ABO 22:28, 1 May 2008 (EDT)
Experiments[edit source]
Feel free to add your own experiments/conclusions here. ABO 21:11, 1 May 2008 (EDT)
- As with the jumping "experiments" these are not experiments - there is no data and you manipulate so many variables your conclusion isn't the only possibility (i.e., fatigue factor could be 0'd by setting fFatigueBase to 0).--Haama 16:13, 8 May 2008 (EDT)
- The point of these experiments was to determine if the fatigue or luck affect speed according to the formula's proposed in the "Theory". The theories proposed were based on the documented formula's for movement, fatigue, and luck. They were sufficient to show that luck and fatigue do not affect speed in the ways proposed. I was a bit slack in writing it up, but I'll update the conclusions with more info. If you feel that these experiments are insufficient, feel free to propose your own theories and experiments. ABO 05:12, 12 May 2008 (EDT)
Does fatigue affect running speed?[edit source]
ABO 21:11, 1 May 2008 (EDT)
Theory[edit source]
If fatigue does in any way modify movement speed, it will probably affect the following formulas;
The FatigueFactor (see Fatigue Game Settings) formula as known to be used for damage.
FatigueFactor = fFatigueBase - fFatigueMult * (1.0 - Fatigue/MaxFatigue)
The relevant movement formulas (for no weapon drawn) are;
WalkSpeed = (fMoveCharWalkMin + (fMoveCharWalkMax - fMoveCharWalkMin)* speed/100) * EncumbranceMultiplier * fMoveNoWeaponMult * HeightScale EncumbranceMultiplier = 1 - fMoveEncumEffectNoWea * (fMoveWeightMin + WornWeight)/(fMoveWeightMax - fMoveWeightMin)
Possible formulas for how FatigueFactor might affect speed are;
Option A) FatigueFactor has no effect on running speed
RunSpeed = WalkSpeed * (fMoveRunMult + fMoveRunAthleticsMult * athletics/100)
Option B) FatigueFactor modifies athletics
RunSpeed = WalkSpeed * (fMoveRunMult + fMoveRunAthleticsMult * FatigueFactor * athletics/100)
Option C) FatigueFactor modifes overall runspeed function
RunSpeed = FatigueFactor * WalkSpeed * (fMoveRunMult + fMoveRunAthleticsMult * athletics/100)
Procedure[edit source]
At the console, do the following;
Turn off fatigue regen
SetGS fFatigueReturnBase to 0.0 SetGS fFatigueReturnMult to 0.0
Maximise FatigueFactor effect
SetGS fFatigueBase 0.0 SetGS fFatigueMult 1.0
Turn off speed/encumbrance/height effects on walk speed
SetGS fMoveCharWalkMin 64 SetGS fMoveCharWalkMax 64
Maximise athletics affect on running speed
SetGS fMoveRunMult 2.0 SetGS fMoveRunAthleticsMult 8.0
Turn off luck effects and set athletics to max
player.setav luck 50 player.setav athletics 100
Run around to see if fatigue changes your running speed. If speed does not change, it's option A). If speed goes down but is always faster than walking, it's option B). If speed goes all the way down to zero then it's the option C). If it goes down to walking speed, its the second formula with some sort of walking speed limit. Also check to see if fatigue modifies walking speed at all.
Conclusion[edit source]
In repeated timed runs over the same distance, there was no decernable difference in running or walking speed at different fatigue levels. In particular, there was no noticable difference in speed between fatigue level 0% and 100%. Note that it also proved useful to turn of running fatigue burn and directly set fatigue levels for this experiment, but this was done after initial runs with no observable difference in an attempt to further highlight if there was any change (without doing this fatigue would decrease as you ran, which meant it was not possible to run the whole distance at 100% fatigue)
SetGS fFatigueRunBase to 0.0 SetGS fFatigueRunMult to 0.0 player.modav fatigue 1000 .. player.modav fatigue -1000
If fatigue affected running speed in the ways proposed in option B) or option C), this procedure should have resulted in a significant change in running speed at different fatigue levels. The observed result suggests that fatigue does not affect running speed, at least not in the ways proposed as the options tested by this experiment.
The fact that there was no observed difference in walking speed also suggests that fatigue does not affect walking speed, at least not in any way similar to the options presented for running speed. This means the proposed FatigueFactor does not modify the speed attribute or the overall walking speed.
Does luck modify athletics for running?[edit source]
ABO 21:11, 1 May 2008 (EDT)
Theory[edit source]
The formulas for the LuckModifier (see fActorLuckSkillMult) are;
LuckModifier = iActorLuckSkillBase + fActorLuckSkillMult * Luck ModifiedSkill = Skill + LuckModifier
If Luck has any effect on running speed, it will be by modifying athletics.
Procedure[edit source]
Since we now know fatigue has no effect, we don't need to take it into account. At the console do;
Maximise the LuckModifier settings
SetGS iActorLuckSkillBase 50 SetGS fActorLuckSkillMult 1.0
Maximise athletics affect on running speed
SetGS fMoveRunMult 1.0 SetGS fMoveRunAthleticsMult 8.0
Set athletics to 50
player.setav athletics 50
Run around with luck set to different values
player.setav luck 0 player.setav luck 100
These settings make running speed proportional to effective athletics, where effective athletics = 0 means runspeed = walkspeed. If luck modifies athletics, then effective athletics should be equal to luck. If speed does not changefor different luck settings, then luck does not affect running speed.
Conclusion[edit source]
Similar to the previous experiment, repeated timed runs over the same distance showed no decernable difference in running speed at different luck levels.
Luck does not modify athletics for running, at least not in the ways proposed in the options tested by this experiment.
Speed equivalents in Units[edit source]
Was wondering if there was a units conversion for Speed. For example Speed 100 = XX Units per hour (in real time hours).
- Please sign Discussion page comments with ~~~~, thanks.
- Anyway, pretty sure speeds are given in Units per Second, and you can find real-world unit conversion info on units at Oblivion Units.
- Dragoon Wraith TALK 12:04, 11 January 2011 (EST)