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A command for Oblivion Script Extender

Deprecated from OBSE v0012: Replaced by the individual value functions.


GetObjectvalue ValueType [ObjectID]
GetOV Valuetype [ObjectID]
ref.GetObjectValue ValueType
ref.GetOV ValueType

Returns the requested value for either the specifed ObjectID or the calling reference. Returns 0 if the value type doesn't match (asking a weapon for an armor rating or clothing for a health value)


ref equippedweapon
float weaponspeed
short weapontype
set equippedweapon to player.GetEquippedObject 16
set weaponspeed to getov 102 equippedweapon
set weapontype to getov 103 equippedweapon					

Calling from a script on an object

float weaponspeed
short weapontype
begin OnEquip
  set weaponspeed to GetOV 102
  set weapontype to GetOV 103

Value Types[edit source]

Range    Value Types
000-099  Common Values
100-149  Weapon and Ammo
150-199  Armor
200-209  Soul Gem
210-219  Ingredient
220-229  Alchemy Item
Num	GetOV	GetCV	Value
0	f 		weight
1	i 		gold value (not including enchantment value)
2	i	f	health
3	i		equipment SlotID
4	i	f	enchantment charge
5	b		is quest item
6	ref		enchantment
100	i		attack damage
101	f		reach
102	f		speed
103	i		weapon type
104	b		ignores weapon resistence
105		ref	poison applied to weapon
150	i		armor rating
151	i		armor type
200	i		soul
201	i		capacity
210	b		is food
220	b		is poison

Type codes:

Weapon Type (103)
  0: Blade1H
  1: Blade2H
  2: Blunt1H
  3: Blunt2H
  4: Staff
  5: Bow
Armor Type (151)
  0: Light Armor
  1: Heavy Armor
Soul Level (200-201)
  0: None
  1: Petty
  2: Lesser
  3: Common
  4: Greater
  5: Grand

See Also: