Installing Blender

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Introduction[edit | edit source]

This is a small tutorial on how to install Blender with working NIF import/export scripts. It's not at all complicated, but you have to install a few other software packages besides Blender itself. This tutorial assumes you're using Windows XP, if you're unsure if that's the case do press:

Windows Key + Pause/Break

and at the top right below System: it should read Microsoft Windows XP. There appear to be some issues with installing PyFFI on WIndows Vista, but these can be easily overcome (see Installing PyFFI below).

If you're using Windows Vista or Windows 7 go here:


Follow the instructions precisely and download the versions/packages specified. If you do not follow the instructions closely with the right program versions certain required items will not install.

Downloading[edit | edit source]

If you're not using Windows Vista or Windows 7 download the following, don't install anything yet.

If you ARE using Windows Vista or Windows 7 go here:


Follow the instructions precisely and download the versions/packages specified. If you do not follow the instructions closely with the right program versions certain required items will not install.

Installing[edit | edit source]

After you've downloaded everything you need to install you can start installing.

Python 2.6.4[edit | edit source]

Begin with Python 2.6.4. Run it with default settings; just keep clicking next until you're done.

PyFFI[edit | edit source]

This isn't too complicated, just run the program and keep clicking next until its done.

Important Note: There seems to be some issues with installing PyFFI on Windows Vista. In order to overcome these right-click on the PyFFI installer and click on 'Properties'. Then go to the 'Compatibility' tab, and click the "Run in a different version of Windows" check-box. Select 'Windows XP Service Pack 2', or something similar. Click OK, then try and run the program again. It should install correctly, after which you can continue on to the next step.

Blender 2.49b[edit | edit source]

When that's done you can begin installing Blender 2.49b. Double click the installation file and press next, I agree, next, next, install, *wait a second* click OK, uncheck the box that says Run Blender 2.49 and click Exit. Basically; put yourself on autopilot but don't forget to uncheck that box.

NifTools scripts[edit | edit source]

You're doing great so far, it's time to install the NIF scripts. This is very similar to the Blender installation; next, I agree, next, install, exit. Almost nothing you can do wrong and done in a few seconds.

Enjoying the goods[edit | edit source]

That's it, you've installed everything you need to run Blender and the most recent NIF scripts. You can delete all install executables if you need to free disk space, but if you don't put them somewhere safe in case you need to reinstall or repair an installation.

Note: You don't have to configure the NIF scripts like you did with the version 1.5.7 and older. You can now choose the NIF version directly from the export screen.

Installing Blender 2.43 with NifTools Blender scripts 1.5.7[edit | edit source]

From version 2.3.0 onwards the scripts can export Oblivion animations. However, this new feature is still fairly experimental, so if for some reason that does not work for you, you can fall back on the more traditional way of exporting animations via the program NifBlend. This program converts animations exported with the 1.5.7 scripts into the right format. NifBlend only works with the 1.5.7 scripts, and those scripts only work with Blender 2.43, and that Blender only works with Python 2.4.

Downloading[edit | edit source]

Or get this complete package, including NifSkope 0.9.8, here at TESNexus.

Installing[edit | edit source]

Installing these goes similar to installing the new version of blender, but requires a few extra steps.

Python 2.4.4[edit | edit source]

It's best to start with Python, installing that is very straightforward and doesn't require much thinking. Double click the install file to start the installation. Choose Install for all users, it's the most convenient and unless you've got a good reason not to there's no reason to change this. Click next and choose an installation directory here, again the default location will be just fine. Click next again to start installing Python and afterwards click finish to exit the installation.

Blender 2.43[edit | edit source]

Start the installation and click Next, I agree and choose whether you want a shortcut a start menu and if you want to associate .blend files with Blender 2.43. This is important if you've also installed Blender 2.45. If Blender 2.43 is associated with .blend files that's the program that will open when you double click. Untick the box if you want to open .blend with Blender 2.45 and leave it ticked if you want to open .blend file with Blender 2.43 from now on.

Click next and change the default installation directory if you installed Blender 2.45 in the default location. For this tutorial we'll assume you choose

C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 2.43

Click next, here you can choose where to store the User Data, for this tutorial we'll assume you choose the second option; the Installation Directory. Click Install to install Blender, untick the box start Blender in the next screen and click Finish to end the installation.

Blender Nif Scripts 1.5.7[edit | edit source]

Start the install wizard and click Next and I agree, the next screen is important. You don't want to install the scripts for the wrong version of Blender. If you installed Blender with the options of the tutorial the install directory should be like this:

C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 2.43\.blender\scripts

Make sure it is and change it otherwise, click Next when you're done. The documentation folder can be anywhere, change it or leave it, click Install when you're done. Untick the show Readme box and click finish.

Before you can export properly you have to configure the Nif Scripts, there's a tutorial on the NifTools Wiki that explains this in full detail: Configuring the old scripts. You have to configure the scripts to export Nif version

See Also[edit | edit source]