Talk:Enable or Disable Parallax shader on meshes
Revision as of 16:13, 17 February 2008 by imported>Clavis0
What is a "parallax shader"?[edit source]
What is a "parallax shader"? What is involved when speaking about "parallax"? I searched for articles in this regard, but all I could find were articles mentioning parallax while assuming the reader already knew about what it meant... So I'm still in the dark : does it have something to do with light reflexion / object reflexion on a texture over which a shader is applied?... See, I'm "lost in Oblivion" in regards to this term, please someone help me (a link at least)! --HawkFest 09:10, 13 September 2007 (EDT)
- see my note at the end of the article Clavis0 16:13, 17 February 2008 (EST)