User talk:Reflection

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Revision as of 12:24, 21 October 2006 by imported>Reflection
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Dragoon Wraith TALK 17:54, 20 October 2006 (EDT): I noticed your post on Entim's Talk page regarding Spam - are you aware of the Recent Changes page? Makes it very easy to notice and rectify spam. It also means it's almost impossible to be called a spammer if you aren't - spammers are people who advertise things, which no one who is here for a legitimate purpose would be doing.

--Reflection 13:24, 21 October 2006 (EDT): I usually go the the Recent changes page first these days. It lets me see whats new. I'm just happy there are people out there who are willing to go through the new changes and make sure they are not spam. I firured thoes people should get a litte kudos once and a while :-)

Sickleyield Oct. 20 3:15p.m. Pacific

Friendly advice: Be careful where you mention that you're into tes3-tes4 conversion. Some places will instantly delete your membership for even suggesting it; many will lock your posts if you bring it up on a forum. But then, you've probably already seen that. :) Unless you're into something like Reich Parkeep, of course.

--Reflection 13:24, 21 October 2006 (EDT): I am aware of the tes3-tes4 conversion debate. The biggest reason being the legality of making a port and using copy writed material. I would like to quash anyones concerns on that subject. My goal is to create a tes3-tes4 converter. A program that can take someones already purchased tes3 files and convert them to run in tes4. A converter would not be breaking any laws as long as no copy write files were distributed with it. Now if someone decided to take these converted files and start distributing them to people who never purchased tes3, that would be copy write infringement.