House for Sale Tutorial

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Preparations[edit | edit source]

Before we can start you need to do this:

  • Make the exterior of the house.
  • Make a cell for the interior, name it House for Sale.
  • Make the interior of the house and decorate it.
  • Make an NPC who will sell the house.
  • Make a house key.
  • Make a quest.

See Creating a House for more information on how to make it.

Preparing the house[edit | edit source]

First of all you need to set the lock on your house door to "Needs a Key". Change the key to the one that you made earlier (preparations section).
You house is going to be split up into sections (e.g. Kitchen, Living Room, Dining Room).
In each section you need to set a parent. Highlight an item in your section.
Double-click on it and check the Persistent Reference box. Give the item a Reference Editor ID, e.g. BedroomParentRef.
Double-click on the another thing in the same section. Go to Enable Parent then press Select Reference in Render Window.
You can now see your Render Window. Double click on the Parent that you made earlier. Repeat this on the other sets so that each set is linked to their own parent.

Now your house is ready.

The NPC[edit | edit source]

The NPC needs some dialogue.
Go to Quest and then to the Topics Tab.
Right-click in the empty list and press add topic.
Then you add HouseDecline and HouseInquiry.
Go back to the addtopiclist, right-click and press new topic.
Make one topic called Housebuy<TOWNNAMEHERE> and one called HouseTooMuch<TOWNNAMEHERE>.

Before you continue you need to choose a price for the house.

Now select HouseBuy. In the topic text you write something like this: "I'll gladly pay 3,000 gold for it" (If your house costs 3000, of course).
Then go to the list beneath the topic text. Right-click and select new.
In the Response text you write something like this: "Good choice, here is your key."
If you have audio files, add them now.
Press Ok.
In the Result Script write:

SetStage <QUESTNAME> 10

In the Conditions list you right-click and press new.
Set the Condition Function to GetGold, leave the Function Parameters empty, set Comparison to >= and the value to the price of your house, then check Run on target.
Then add a new Condition, Function: GetIsID, Parameters: <Your NPC's name>, Comparison: ==, Value: 1 and leave Run on Target unchecked.
Select HouseDecline add a new response.
Add a text like this: "Come back if you change your mind.".
Then add the audio.
Add another GetIsID condition just like you did the second time on the previous Topic.
Select HouseInquiry. Add a new response with a text like this: "I've been looking for this special house.".
Add audio.
In the conditions you add the same GetIsID condition as the last topic.
Then you add a new condition: Function: IsCellOwner, Parameters:<The cell of your house> Player, Comparison: == and Value: 0.
Then add a third condition: Function: GetDisposition, Comparison: >= and Value: (How much the NPC needs to like you before they offer you the house).
In the Choices List, add HouseBuy, HouseDecline and HouseTooMuch.
Select HouseTooMuch, write I can't afford 3,000 gold. in the Topic Text.
Add a new response with text like this: "What a shame. I guess I have to look for another buyer.".
Add audio.
Add a condition, the usual GetIsID condition.

Now the dialogue is finished.

The furnishing[edit | edit source]

First create a scroll for each set of furniture and name them something like: House BedRoom or House DiningRoom.
In the scroll you write what this set of furniture will add to your house. Something like this:

This entitles the bearer to:

1 Bed
1 Carpet
1 Bookshelf with books
1 Set of Drawers

1 Stool

Add this script to the scroll:

Scriptname HouseFurnReceipt1Script

short Doonce

begin OnAdd player

if ( Doonce == 0 )
	SetItemValue 0
	set Doonce to 1


Then add a value to the scroll.
You can make the next part a few different ways, i will show one of them.
First choose the seller of the sets, you can use the seller of the house or someone else.
Select the Merchant cointainer to this Npc. Then add this to it's Script (you need to edit it):

short once

begin gamemode
	if getstage (YOUR QUEST NAME) >= 10
		if once == 0
			additem (FIRST SET ID) 1
			additem (SECOND SET ID) 1
                       ; Do this on all of the sets                       
			set once to 1

The Quest[edit | edit source]

Make a Quest Script and add it to your Quest.
This is the script you will need (again, you need to edit):

scn aaa(initials)buyinghouse

short TotalCount ;counts how many furniture sets you have bought
short Doonce1    ;checks if you have bought the first set
short Doonce2    ;checks if you have bought the second set
;add "Short Doonce3" if you have 3 sets, and so on

float fQuestDelayTime

begin gamemode

;Kill script if conditions aren't met

if ( GetStage housearea2 < 10 )

if getstage (YOUR QUEST NAME) == 10 && player.getincell   (YOUR HOUSE CELL)   == 1
	setstage (YOUR QUEST NAME) 20

;These are the variable triggers that are set when a voucher is acquired

if ( Player.GetItemCount (FIRST FURNITURE SET ID) == 1 ) && ( Doonce1 == 0 )
	set TotalCount to ( TotalCount + 1 )
	set Doonce1 to 1

if ( Player.GetItemCount (SECOND FURNITURE SET ID) == 1 ) && ( Doonce2 == 0 )
	set TotalCount to ( TotalCount + 1 )
	set Doonce2 to 1

;Add more if you have them

;Ends Quest if All Bought

if ( TotalCount == 2 )    ;change the "2" to the number of things you have.
	setstage (QUEST NAME) 30
	set fQuestDelayTime to 0


Go to Quest Stages Tab and add stage 10, 20 and 30. Select stage 10.
Make a new Log Entry with the text: "I just bought a house in <TOWN NAME HERE>.".
In the Result Script write this:

;do this on all the parents
Player.RemoveItem Gold001 3000 ;(change the 3000 to your house price)
Player.AddItem <Your key ID> 1
SetCellOwnership <YOUR HOUSE CELL>
SetCellFullName <YOUR HOUSE CELL> "(The name of your town) House"
ModPCMiscStat 15 1
set <YOUR QUEST NAME>.fQuestDelayTime to 1

Select stage 20 and make a new Log Entry with the text: "Now that I've arrived at my new house in <YOUR TOWN NAME>, I may want to head over to <YOUR NPC WHO SELLS FURNITURE> at <FURNITURE NPC LOCATION> to secure some furnishings for it."

Select Stage 30 and make a new log entry with the text: "I've now bought everything <FURNITURE NPC> has for my house in <YOUR TOWN NAME HERE>.". Check the Complete Quest to finish the quest.

That concludes the "House for Sale" tutorial. Enjoy your new house!