A Central Link For Tutorials

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Here's the idea of this page. Below are links and references to tutorials of various sorts. The idea here is to create a central location for tutorials that pertain to Oblivion modding in any shape, form, or function.

In keeping with the nature of this board and the wiki, please do not repost any tutorials that are already on this wiki. If they are similiar, but contain new tips and tricks others may not be aware of, that's fine.

I'd like to keep this a community project, so please, feel free to list your most valuable tutorials here or link to them.

Oh, and try to keep it in some sort of order, ok? ;)

Tutorials concerning general Oblvion Modding:[edit | edit source]

Tutorials concerning 3D Programs:[edit | edit source]

[[1]]http://www.tutorialized.com/ A great site for tutorials of nearly every kind concerning 3D programs in general.

Tutorials concerning Nifskope and NifTools:[edit | edit source]

Tutorials concerning Scripting:[edit | edit source]

Tutorials concerning Textures and art supplies:[edit | edit source]