Category:Record Variable Functions (OBSE)
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These are the functions provided by OBSE that can return values to store in Record (ref) variables.
Pages in category "Record Variable Functions (OBSE)"
The following 30 pages are in this category, out of 30 total.
- GetBaseObject
- GetCreatureSoundBase
- GetCrosshairRef
- GetCurrentClimateID
- GetCurrentWeatherID
- GetEnchantment
- GetEquippedObject
- GetEquippedWeaponPoison
- GetFirstRef
- GetFirstRefInCell
- GetHorse
- GetInventoryObject
- GetLinkedDoor
- GetMagicEffectUsedObject
- GetMagicEffectUsedObjectC
- GetMerchantContainer
- GetNextRef
- GetNthChildRef
- GetNthFaction
- GetNthFollower
- GetNthPlayerSpell
- GetNumChildRefs
- GetOpenKey
- GetOwner
- GetParentCell
- GetParentCellOwner
- GetPlayersLastActivatedLoadDoor
- GetPlayersLastRiddenHorse
- GetTeleportCell