Category talk:Tidbits

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"Broken" nif - I think there are a number of these, after reading a bit of the Zumbs' Lockpicking Mod thread. Perhaps a list is needed, either for the UoP group, or on the Category:Troubleshooting page.

I wouldn't be surprised at all to learn that there are others. The bad part is that I was setting up a sewer and naturally assumed that the sewerRoomWallMid01 would have collision on it. Imagine my surprise when I was randomly running around and went through a wall. I, of course, immediately assumed I had messed something up when I went through the wall. Needless to say, it took me a few minutes to realize that the fault was in the nif and not something I had done. Additionally, the mod I am doing also has some unusual placements to give it a different feel (which is how I know the other two don't have collision - I fell through them) and at least the sewerRoofNarrow02 is easy enough to fix with cut and paste in nifskope (with a new Editor ID pointing to the new nif file). I did a workaround for the walls by putting sewerRoomWall01 behind the sewerRoomWallMid01 in my mod, but its still annoying that I had to incorporate a second wall just for the collision.
--ShadowDancer 20:33, 9 August 2007 (EDT)