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A command for Oblivion Script Extender


(nothing) CopyAllEffectItems fromObjectID:ref toObjectId:ref

Copies all effect items from one magic item to another.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Magic items include Potions, Ingredients, Spells and Enchantments. They do not include Sigil Stones or Soulgems. Also note that the Enchantment refers to the base enchantment. If the enchantment is on two items changing it on one item will change it on the other.
  • Potions will only show up to 8 effects, but all of the effects will still apply when used, and can be accessed with any GetNthEffectItem... function.
    • Untested for other magic items
  • The copied effects will be added to the original effects of the copied-to magic item, rather than replacing them.
    • This includes effects that are already on the magic item. For instance, if you copy a 'Restore Health' effect onto a magic item that already has a 'Restore Health' effect, the magic item will have both 'Restore Health' effects (with their respective potencies).
    • If you want to replace the effects on the copied-to item, use RemoveAllEffectItems on the item first.
  • When copying a scripted effect, the script, hostility flag, and school will copy, but not the visuals.
    • Copied scripted effects are completely independent of the original scripted effect. Changing the values on one (script, hostility, etc.) will not affect the other.
  • Adding a hostile effect to a Spell which previously had none will not make the Spell hostile. Use SetSpellHostile to update the hostility.

See Also[edit | edit source]