Escort Package

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Target: Who/what to escort. An escort package will add a follow package onto the target if the target is an actor.

Location: is the destination of the escort package. A location is required to make an escort package.

If the follower falls behind by a specified distance, the escorting actor will stop and wait, doing a "come along" animation or traveling to the actor to get back within range. The wait distance is determined by two game settings, one for indoors and one for outdoors.

If the Player is being escorted, he does not get a follow package forced onto him. Also, the wait distance is set on the target tab. It is recommended that the wait distance be a value greater than 400.

If the target is an object which can be picked up (such as Food or a book), the escorting actor will check its inventory for the specified quantity of the item(s). If the quantity is not found, he will search the area (including containers) for the item and pick it up. When used in this way, the value entered on the target tab is not the Wait Distance, but the number of items to be escorted. Once the item(s) are in the actor's inventory, he will travel to the location and do one of the following:

  • If the location is a container, the object will be placed inside the container.
  • If the location is an actor, the escorting actor will travel to the second actor, gesture, and transfer the item(s) to the second actor's inventory.
  • In some cases (such as books), the escorter will use the item when he reaches the location (i.e. reading the book).
  • Otherwise, the item will generally be dropped when the location is reached.
  • Escort item/drop item seems to be broken when used in an interior or on edibles. Use Travel package with a script "OnPackageEnd [ExampleTravelPackage] drop [item]" instead.