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Used to determine the recharge cost in gold for any given enchanted item, when the item is taken to an enchanter service; it is a flat multiplier of the number of enchantment points missing (cost = (charge_max - charge_current) * fRechargeGoldMult).

The cost of the recharge is also modified by the recharger's disposition towards the player character, although the exact computation is unknown.

Unlike Morrowind, enchanted objects do not recharge over time. An object must be manually recharged by using a filled soul gem, taking it to an enchanter service, or by using a Varla Stone.

Example: A staff has 1200/1800 points of charge. By default, it requires 2.0 * 600 gold, or 1200 gold, in order to recharge at an enchanter. The default setting is considered by some modders to be much too high, but this may have been done in the interest of making magical items "disposable" while still allowing people to recharge their favourite equipment if they really wanted to.

Default Value 2.0000