Feing Death

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Introduction[edit | edit source]

In this article we are going to learn how to feint death, just for fun. We’ll create script for a spell that will knock out the player due to giving his fatigue a negative value and he will be made immune to high falls (So yes, this script works perfect on Dive Rock) for the duration of the scripted spell (Don’t use 0 because then it will become a permanent effect). Actors who are fighting against the player will be forced to stop fighting. If the spell has worked out the player’s fatigue will be set back to normal. This script is really useful if guards are pursuing you.

The Script[edit | edit source]

Scn FeintDeath

Short BaseFatigue
Float fJumpFallSkillMult
Float fJumpFallSkillBase
Short Death

Begin ScriptEffectStart
     If (Death == 0)
          ForceActorValue Fatigue -100
          Set fJumpFallSkillMult to 0
          Set fJumpFallSkillBase to 0
          Set Death to 1
Begin scripteffectfinish
     Set fJumpFallSkillMult to -0.0100
     Set fJumpFallSkillBase to 1.2500
     Set BaseFatigue to getBaseActorValue Fatigue
     ForceActorValue Fatigue BaseFatigue
    Set Death to 0

Notes[edit | edit source]

If you still need some information about how this script works: Resurrecting the Player

Links[edit | edit source]

