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Fix dialogues in localized non english versions

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Work-around to dialogue voices not playing in localized version of the game[edit | edit source]

Dear all, All the following description has been experienced on localized italian version of Oblivion. Howewer, I think that conclusions apply to other versions as well.

Sometimes characters modified by mods are missing voices and dialog text is sliding too fast. Perhaps is a glitch embedded in the mod, but it could be something different.

Here's what I experienced. I realize that for those skilled in Oblivion engine is well know, but I think many others don't know what I'm going to describe.

Some days ago I installed "Ungarion memoirs 1: the welkynd sword". I went to talk to Ungarion and I noticed new dialogue added to this character by the mod has no voices, and is showing too quickly, preventing me reading without pausing the game. It's easy to distinguish new dialogue because it's subtitled in english and not in Italian.

Then I installed "Elaborate eyes" and I noticed this mod breaks all voices for all characters in the game, suggesting me it's not compatible with my version of Oblivion. Howewer, I decided to investigate further, talked again to Ungarion and........

default italian dialogues voices were broken like all others but, SURPRISE!!! Voices related to English dialogue added by the mod were now working correctly

Mumble mumble mumble

After headbutting the walls of my room for a couple of evenings, I found the solution. Let's describe how Oblivion engine treats voice files.

Oblivion engine and voices files[edit | edit source]

In Oblivion, there are two file types linked to each dialogue entry: .mp3 and .lip. What are .mp3 files is obvious, while I guess .lip files contains infos about actor's lips movement during dialogue.

Even if a dialogue voice is not available, a silent .mp3 file is recommended to have suitable dialogue showing pace, preventing it being too fast. Tes4plugin utility has a function for generating silent mp3 files for a an esp or esm. Actually it was while trying this feature that I was "enlightened".

But where are this file supposed to be?. Oblivion engine searchs for them in the following (relative to installation dir) path:

\Data\sound\[esp or esm file name]\[race name]\[genre m/f]\

As an example, voices of female Imperial actors in Oblivion master files are stored in the following path:


Actually, [race name] is not exactly the name of the race. Looking at "Oblivion - voices1.bsa" and "Oblivion - voices2.bsa" files, there are seven valid entries for this:

  • "Imperial"
  • "Dremora"
  • "High Elf"
  • "Breton"
  • "Redguard"
  • "Nord"
  • "Argonian"

Please English version owners report me if there is a mistake. Be sure to check spaces (i.e. "redguard" and not "red guard"). Probably is an environment variable related to race name. For example, it seems "high elf" entry includes all elven races.

Making the path dependent from [race name] entry is the cause of this glitches, as these names are localized.

In my opinion it is not a great choice for a game being localized in so many languages.

Practical example[edit | edit source]

So, in the case I described above, what happened?

In Ungarion's mod, some voices .mp3 and .lips files are provided, and silent .mp3 files as well. Howewer, they are stored in this path:

\Data\sound\voice\Ungarion1TheWelkyndSword.esp\High Elf\M

Howewer, being [race name] entry in localized italian version "Elfo Supremo", Oblivion engine searched for .mp3 and .lips files in the following path:

\Data\sound\voice\Ungarion1TheWelkyndSword.esp\Elfo Supremo\M

And didn't find them.

There's also an explanation about how this glitch don't occurs with every mod: not all [race name] are localized (i.e. nord remains the same also in Italian version)

When I installed elaborate eyes, I changed dramatically the situation, as Elaborate Eyes mod changes all [race name] entries into english regardless of localization.

That's why almost all voices in the game broke, while added dialogues of Ungarion mysteriously began to work.

How to solve[edit | edit source]

I split into three cases:

1) Voices files provided not in a bsa package, like Ungarion Memoirs.

Simply copy the files into the correct path. If you're skilled in NTFS file system you can use Junction Points or Hard Link folder tree clones, saving disk space.

2) Voices files provided in bsa files.

Unpack bsa file contents and copy into the right folder. It's not necessary to repack the bsa (*), but it can be done as well.

3) Mod changes [race name] entries, like elaborate eyes.

Unpack "Oblivion - voices1.bsa" and "Oblivion - voices2.bsa" and copy the files into the right folder. Even if it requires a lot of space I would not recommend moving the files to right path and repack the bsa overwriting vanilla Oblivion default files, as if you decide to remove the mod you'll have to revert the process. I suggest to generate a third Oblivion - voices bsa (**),(***) file to be compatible with and without the changing race mod active.

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

(*) In order to create working bsa, I recommend using BSA commander and check correct Hex Flags (by hitting the two "?" buttons in the panel), otherwise files won't be found by Oblivion engine.

(**) Remember, if the bsa file name is different from a plugin name (i.e. JohnDoe.esp - JohnDoe.bsa), in order to have Oblivion parsing it you must add it to Oblivion.ini

(***) Using NTFS junction points or hard links to save disk space is useless if you plan to pack into a bsa files, as files will be duplicated into the archive.