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A command for Oblivion Script Extender
(value:short) reference.GetRaceAttributeC attributeActorValueCode:short raceFormID:ref isFemale:bool
Returns the specified base attribute value.
Notes[edit | edit source]
- If passes a raceFormID you must also pass whether you want the female value or not.
- If called directly on an reference the function will determine the race and sex of the reference and the raceFormID and isFemale are not needed.
- The non C version of the function takes the actorvalue name rather than a number (Strength instead of 0) GetRaceAttribute
Actor Value Codes: 0: Strength 1: Intelligence 2: Willpower 3: Agility 4: Speed 5: Endurance 6: Personality 7: Luck 8: Health 9: Magicka 10: Fatigue 11: Encumbrance 12: Armorer 13: Athletics 14: Blade 15: Block 16: Blunt 17: HandToHand 18: HeavyArmor 19: Alchemy 20: Alteration 21: Conjuration 22: Destruction 23: Illusion 24: Mysticism 25: Restoration 26: Acrobatics 27: LightArmor 28: Marksman 29: Mercantile 30: Security 31: Sneak 32: Speechcraft 33: Aggression 34: Confidence 35: Energy 36: Responsibility 37: Bounty 38: Fame 39: Infamy 40: MagickaMultiplier 41: NightEyeBonus 42: AttackBonus 43: DefendBonus 44: CastingPenalty 45: Blindness 46: Chameleon 47: Invisibility 48: Paralysis 49: Silence 50: Confusion 51: DetectItemRange 52: SpellAbsorbChance 53: SpellReflectChance 54: SwimSpeedMultiplier 55: WaterBreathing 56: WaterWalking 57: StuntedMagicka 58: DetectLifeRange 59: ReflectDamage 60: Telekinesis 61: ResistFire 62: ResistFrost 63: ResistDisease 64: ResistMagic 65: ResistNormalWeapons 68: ResistParalysis 67: ResistPoison 68: ResistShock 69: Vampirism 70: Darkness 71: ResistWaterDamage 256: No Actor Value