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A command for Oblivion Script Extender
IsKeyPressed2 key
Returns true if key is currently pressed down. Key values are DirectX scancodes, as opposed to IsKeyPressed's Windows header codes.
DirectX scancodes are typically in hexadecimal, but this function takes decimal values.
Notes[edit | edit source]
- As well as the normal DX scancodes, you can use the numbers 256 to 263 to check for mouse button presses, and also 264 and 265 to check for mouse wheel movement.
- This function will return false if a key which was previously disabled using disableKey is pressed, but will return true if a mouse button is pressed while that button is disabled.
- This function will return true if the key is "pressed" via TapKey or TapControl, even if the key has been disabled with DisableKey or DisableControl. This is the only function that can detect tapped keys.
- Bear in mind that this function returns 1 for as long as the key is held down, so it's generally a good idea to trap the key and then wait until it is released, i.e.:
if ( curKey && isKeyPressed2 curkey ) ; key still being held down return ; wait until it's released else set curkey to 0 endif if ( isKeyPressed2 <keyCode> ) ; do stuff set curKey to <keyCode> endif
- The following works without using a Return, in case you need code below your keypress block to continue executing on subsequent frames even if the key is still down:
short MyKey short KeyDown if (IsKeyPressed3 MyKey) && (Keydown == 0) ; first frame with key pressed set Keydown to 1 ; ; do stuff, once per keypress... ; elseif (IsKeyPressed3 MyKey == 0) && Keydown ; wait til key released then toggle flag set Keydown to 0 endif
Sample DirectX Key Scancodes[edit source]
Hex Dec Button 0x01 1 Escape 0x02 2 1 0x03 3 2 0x04 4 3 0x05 5 4 0x06 6 5 0x07 7 6 0x08 8 7 0x09 9 8 0x0A 10 9 0x0B 11 0 0x0C 12 Minus 0x0D 13 Equals 0x0E 14 Backspace 0x0F 15 Tab 0x10 16 Q 0x11 17 W 0x12 18 E 0x13 19 R 0x14 20 T 0x15 21 Y 0x16 22 U 0x17 23 I 0x18 24 O 0x19 25 P 0x1A 26 Left Bracket 0x1B 27 Right Bracket 0x1C 28 Enter 0x1D 29 Left Control 0x1E 30 A 0x1F 31 S 0x20 32 D 0x21 33 F 0x22 34 G 0x23 35 H 0x24 36 J 0x25 37 K 0x26 38 L 0x27 39 Semicolon 0x28 40 Apostrophe 0x29 41 ~ (Console) 0x2A 42 Left Shift 0x2B 43 Back Slash 0x2C 44 Z 0x2D 45 X 0x2E 46 C 0x2F 47 V 0x30 48 B 0x31 49 N 0x32 50 M 0x33 51 Comma 0x34 52 Period 0x35 53 Forward Slash 0x36 54 Right Shift 0x37 55 NUM* 0x38 56 Left Alt 0x39 57 Spacebar 0x3A 58 Caps Lock 0x3B 59 F1 0x3C 60 F2 0x3D 61 F3 0x3E 62 F4 0x3F 63 F5 0x40 64 F6 0x41 65 F7 0x42 66 F8 0x43 67 F9 0x44 68 F10 0x45 69 Num Lock 0x46 70 Scroll Lock 0x47 71 NUM7 0x48 72 NUM8 0x49 73 NUM9 0x4A 74 NUM- 0x4B 75 NUM4 0x4C 76 NUM5 0x4D 77 NUM6 0x4E 78 NUM+ 0x4F 79 NUM1 0x50 80 NUM2 0x51 81 NUM3 0x52 82 NUM0 0x53 83 NUM. 0x57 87 F11 0x58 88 F12 0x9C 156 NUM Enter 0x9D 157 Right Control 0xB5 181 NUM/ 0xB8 184 Right Alt 0xC7 199 Home 0xC8 200 Up Arrow 0xC9 201 PgUp 0xCB 203 Left Arrow 0xCD 205 Right Arrow 0xCF 207 End 0xD0 208 Down Arrow 0xD1 209 PgDown 0xD2 210 Insert 0xD3 211 Delete 0x100 256 Left Mouse Button 0x101 257 Right Mouse Button 0x102 258 Middle/Wheel Mouse Button 0x103 259 Mouse Button 3 0x104 260 Mouse Button 4 0x105 261 Mouse Button 5 0x106 262 Mouse Button 6 0x107 263 Mouse Button 7 0x108 264 Mouse Wheel Up 0x109 265 Mouse Wheel Down
A longer list can be found here A useful tool for getting scancodes: keyview
These can be converted into Virtual Keyboard codes using DX2VK.