Light Switch

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Intoduction[edit | edit source]

Hi, This page will help people who want a light switch in their mod. I will try and teach you how to create a switch that activates the lights.

Begining[edit | edit source]

Open TES:CS. Load oblivion.esm (And your mod if you want). Create a new Interior and a door leading to it. To do this go to the 'Cell View' Window and click on the dropdown menu. Click on 'Interiors'. Go to the box below it and right click any Editor ID and click 'Edit".

On the box that comes up Right Click on the left hand side and click 'New'. Enter an 'Editor ID' (I chose aa[so it will be at the begining]TutorialHouse). Go to the 'Interior Data' tab and type a name (I used Tutorial House). Click 'Ok'.

Creating an Interior[edit | edit source]

Ok so now we have to make an Interior. In the cell window double click your 'Editor ID'. In the 'Object Window' go down the left side of it until you find 'World Objects'. Click on it. Once you have done that go down until you find 'Static'. Click on it. Go into 'Architecture' and choose a Interior moddel. I have chosen ICTopFloor05. Drag that moddel to the 'Render Window'(the only window we havent used).

Ok so now we need a door. Go down the World Object list and find the 'Door' part. Go to the city you chose your Interior Moddel from and grab a door. Prefrebly the first one on the list (I used ICDoorAnim. Drag it into the 'Render Window' and click 'F' on your keyboard. if nothing happens move your door around a bit and keep clicking 'F'.

Once your door is on the ground (Thats what 'F' Does) move it into the doorspace. Go to the 'Cell View' Window and click on the DropDown Menu. Go to any world space and click on it. Grab the same type of door and move it to the Render Window. Do the same as we did in the Interior. Move it to a wall. Once thats done double click the door you just placed and move to the Teleport Tab. Click the Teleport Check button and move the cell dropdown menu to your Previously Made Interior Editor ID. Click OK. now onto the fun part.

Making the Light switch[edit | edit source]

So no we go back to our Interior and move to the Light Section of the World Object Window. Go