Quest Targets Tab

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One or more quest targets can be specified in a quest. Depending on the conditions specified for the targets, multiple quest targets can appear at the same time -- all targets (for the player's active quest) which pass their conditions will be displayed on the player's compass and map.

  • Target Ref: A target must point to a persistent reference.
  • Conditions: Typically targets are limited by quest stages, but any conditions can be used. Note that the conditions are applied to the player, not the quest target. Note also that checking the "Run on Target" box will cause the condition to evaluate to false.
  • Select Reference in Render Window: The reference can be selected from the render window. All persistent references show a white cursor. Non-persistent references show a red cursor.
  • Cell & Ref: Alternately, the reference can be selected by using the cell list, and the list of references in that cell. Only persistent references are shown in the list.
  • Compass Markers Ignore Locks: If checked, the path to the quest target will ignore locked doors (when showing the player the closest load door to reach the target). Otherwise, the path will attempt to avoid locked doors if possible.