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A reference is an instance of an object that has been placed in the Render Window. Each object can have multiple references (the count of references is displayed in the Object Window). If any of the properties of an object are changed in the Object Window, all its references are also changed in-game. However, references also hold some data that is unique to them. The simplest example is the position data. It's unique for each reference, and is not stored with the object information in the Object Window.
If you double click on an object in the Render Window, you will see the reference data. Different types of objects have different reference data on their references. Different references of the same object can be set differently.
Reference Data Flags[edit | edit source]
- Persistent Reference: This must be checked for the reference to be used in a script.
- Visible when Distant: The reference is visible beyond the settings made in the Video Options screen.
Requires an LOD version of the object mesh (xxx_far.nif file). See the "visible when distant tutorial" for a detailed explanation. - Cast Shadows: Forces the reference to cast a shadow. Does not apply to all object types.
- Open by Default: Only applies to doors. If checked, the default state for the door is open.
- Initially Disabled: The reference starts as "not there" in the world and must be enabled through game actions.
- Turn Off Fire: Fire node starts off disabled.
Reference Data Tabs[edit | edit source]
- 3D Data: The X, Y, and Z position and rotation values are displayed and can be directly edited. The scale of the reference relative to the base object can be adjusted as well.
- Enable Parent: A reference can have a parent reference, which is set in this tab. When the parent is enabled or disabled, so are all its children. If the Set Enable State to Opposite of Parent box is checked, then the reference is enabled when the parent is disabled and vice versa. Parent relationships are also used by trigger/trap references and other generic related objects. (See GetParentRef.)
- Ownership: The NPC or Faction that owns the object can be specified. For Factions, it can be restricted to a minimum rank.
- Extra: A collection of miscellaneous values used by a wide variety of object types.
- Count: The number of objects represented by the reference. For example, a single arrow reference can be five arrows. When the player drops multiple items of the same type, only one physical object is shown on the ground.
- Health: For weapons and armor, this sets the current health of the object relative to its maximum health.
- Charge: For magic items, this sets the current charge of the object relative to its maximum charge.
- Time Left: For torches, the amount of time remaining (number of seconds left?).
- Soul: For soul gems, sets the size of the soul it contains.
- Lock: Only availble on containers and doors. You can set the lock level, whether or not it is leveled, and the key. A leveled lock start with the specified lock level when the player is level one. As the player rises in level, the lock will get harder.
- Teleport: Only available on doors. This reference can be linked to another door reference anywhere in the world. The link is bidirectional. The other door reference is automatically set to point back to this door. Setting a teleport also creates a green teleport marker at each door. This is where the teleported actor will be placed.
- Merchant Container Tab: Only meaningful for NPCs that buy and sell. Points to the container where items they buy will be placed. This prevents the player from burdening the NPC to the point where he can't move. As a rule, merchant containers are placed outside the geometry of the space where the player cannot activate them. They are also give "needs a key" lock level.
- Travel Horse Tab: If the NPC is travelling in the Tamriel world space, and is near this horse, he will attempt to use it to travel. Note that even if an actor has a horse to travel with, the actor will only use the horse if the distance to the destination is greater than the game setting fMinDistanceUseHorse.
- Leveled Creature: Only shown on the Leveled Creature reference objects. It specifies a level offset for the reference. This value will be added to the player's level prior to generating the leveled creature.