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SetUnconscious flag
SetUnconscious 1
Sets the actor into an unconscious state (or clears the state). Unconscious actors do not "think" at all. The just idle and respond physically to things hitting them.
Notes[edit | edit source]
- SetUnconscious works as intended if the calling actor cannot detect the player when the function is called. Otherwise, if the player is detected when SetUnconscious is called, the actor will continue to detect the player regardless of other factors, and will respond to crimes and combat, but will not move.
- When called during combat, SetUnconscious has no effect. Consider using SetRestrained instead.
- Player can look up and down when SetUnconscious is called on the Player, but not left or right.
- Calling SetUnconscious 1 on an actor prevents normal activation (looting, pickpocketing, or conversation) until the unconscious flag is cleared.
- Calling this function while the actor is engaged in conversation won't end the current conversation, but does prevent the actor from engaging in future conversations. To interrupt a conversation, use ForceFlee.
- After setting an actor unconscious and then returning them to normal AI, their eyes may remain closed and they may not move their lips when speaking.
See Also[edit | edit source]