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3 bytes removed ,  11:46, 14 October 2008
m (Common mistake: Starting a wiki article with a level one heading.)
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== AddTopic Dialogue Bugs ==
== AddTopic Dialogue Bugs ==

Even though it's well-known and documented in the wiki, the 'add topic' bug regarding dialogue continues to be is one of the most common mistakes mod-creators make.
Even though it's well-known and documented in the wiki, the 'add topic' bug regarding dialogue continues to be one of the most common mistakes mod-creators make.

If two or more mods try to alter the same topic, only the changes in the mod loaded last will take effect. This causes serious problems because the GREETING topic is shared by all NPCs.
If two or more mods try to alter the same topic, only the changes in the mod loaded last will take effect. This causes serious problems because the GREETING topic is shared by all NPCs.
Anonymous user

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