Difference between revisions of "GetMagicEffectCode"

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548 bytes added ,  18:16, 4 October 2010
Notes on missing formIDs
(not a record variable function)
(Notes on missing formIDs)
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== Notes ==
== Notes ==
* When used on Magic Effects without FormIDs (for Vanilla Oblivion, those effects are DISE, DUMY, and RSWD; FormID = 00000000) the script will never run in-game. You can give these Magic Effects FormIDs by modifying them (but there may be issues when other mods modify them as well).
* The 'effect:chars' are actually the ''editor IDs'' of the magic effects.  Thus, this command is really expecting an editor ID, just like most other commands.  This means that it will also accept a ref var containing the magic effect:
Set myrefvar to FIDG
Set mylongvar to (GetMagicEffectCode myrefvar)
* When used on Magic Effects without FormIDs the script will not compile correctly (although it does not produce any error messages).  With Oblivion.esm loaded, the effects DISE, DUMY, and RSWD do not have formIDs.  Without Oblivion.esm loaded, ''no magic effects'' have formIDs.  Note that even if you modify the effect to give it a formID, ''the script still will not run correctly''.  Use magic effect codes directly to avoid this problem:
Set mylongvar to 1195657542 ;; literal effect code for FIDG - will always work

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