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This actor value makes players resistant to diseases. At 50 resistance diseases should occur 50% less. When at 100 the player can no longer contract diseases. Negative values increase the likelihood of catching a disease when being hit by diseased NPCs and creatures.
This actor value makes players resistant to diseases. With default settings, at 50 resistance diseases should occur 50% less. When at 100 the player can no longer contract diseases. Negative values increase the likelihood of catching a disease when being hit by diseased NPCs and creatures.
Refer to [[fMagicDiseaseTransferBase]] and [[fMagicDiseaseTransferMult]] for the formulas to determine the chance of catching a disease.

The default Resist Disease value for actors is 0, and is altered mostly through the [[RSDI]] Resist Disease and [[WKDI]] Weakness to Disease magic effects.
The default Resist Disease value for actors is 0, and is altered mostly through the [[RSDI]] Resist Disease and [[WKDI]] Weakness to Disease magic effects.
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