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This is a multiplier used to scale the armor rating of armor by skill. A skill of 100 Multiplies the armor rating by 1.0. The [[fArmorRatingMin]] value sets the lower threshold for skills of 0. The actual value is interpolated between the two. For example, a skill of 50 is 50% of the way between the min and max, which turns out to me 67.5%.
This is a multiplier used to scale the armor rating of armor by skill. A skill of 100 Multiplies the armor rating by 1.0. The [[fArmorRatingBase]] value sets the lower threshold for skills of 0. The actual value is interpolated between the two. For example, a skill of 50 is 50% of the way between the min and max, which turns out to me 67.5%.

(Note by Lobo: There are two very similar looking, but different, settings, [[fMaxArmorRating]], which sets the maximum percentage of damage that can be blocked by armor, and which defaults to 85, and fArmorRatingMax (this setting), which has a value of 1.)
(Note by Lobo: There are two very similar looking, but different, settings, [[fMaxArmorRating]], which sets the maximum percentage of damage that can be blocked by armor, and which defaults to 85, and fArmorRatingMax (this setting), which has a value of 1.)

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