Difference between revisions of "FRemoveExcessiveComplexDeadTime"

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{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
!style="background:#ffdead;" width="100"  | Description
|style="background:#ffeded;" |
The amount of time between checks to [[iRemoveExcessDeadComplexCount]] when [[SetSceneIsComplex]] is used. Used to remove excess corpses during periods of heavy combat between many actors, to increase performance.
The amount of time between checks to [[iRemoveExcessDeadComplexCount]] when [[SetSceneIsComplex]] is used. Used to remove excess corpses during periods of heavy combat between many actors, to increase performance.

Default value: 2.5
!style="background:#ffdead;" |Default value
|style="background:#ffeded;" |

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