Difference between revisions of "Magic effect scripts"

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No change in size ,  00:34, 3 January 2017
Grammar correction ("effected" ==> "affected")
(Added notes about OBSE string and array vars making save game bloating if not destroyed)
m (Grammar correction ("effected" ==> "affected"))
Line 13: Line 13:

In all other ways, Magic Effect scripts act like reference scripts, and can use all normal script functions inside the Magic Effect blocks. Magic Effect scripts would run on what is effected by the effect, so getSelf for instance would give the reference to the the target of the spell.
In all other ways, Magic Effect scripts act like reference scripts, and can use all normal script functions inside the Magic Effect blocks. Magic Effect scripts would run on what is affected by the effect, so getSelf for instance would give the reference to the the target of the spell.

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