Difference between revisions of "ScriptEffectFinish"

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428 bytes removed ,  22:15, 31 July 2006
removing these notes until i can figure this out
(fails to run during Wait menu or when reference is out of loaded cell)
(removing these notes until i can figure this out)
Line 6: Line 6:
* The ScriptEffectUpdate will be processed before the ScriptEffectFinish block when the spell ends. If there is a return statement in ScriptEffectUpdate, then the ScriptEffectFinish block will never run.
* The ScriptEffectUpdate will be processed before the ScriptEffectFinish block when the spell ends. If there is a return statement in ScriptEffectUpdate, then the ScriptEffectFinish block will never run.
* When the script effect is removed or expires while running on a reference which is not in the currently loaded cell, there is a very good chance that the ScriptEffectFinish block will not be processed. This can lead to the effect becoming permanent - the spell is removed, but any "clean-up" code inside the Finish block never executes.
* The above is also true if the spell expires while the Wait or Sleep menu is displayed.

==See Also==
==See Also==
Anonymous user

Navigation menu