Difference between revisions of "Category:TSFC"

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28 bytes removed ,  14:20, 27 March 2008
Remove duplicate category - now part of the template
(Internal Version - just tested it)
m (Remove duplicate category - now part of the template)
Line 19: Line 19:
The type stringID is used in this documentation, however this is not recognized by the CS. I use it in to indicate when a long or short is interpreted as a string's identifier, not its integer value.
The type stringID is used in this documentation, however this is not recognized by the CS. I use it in to indicate when a long or short is interpreted as a string's identifier, not its integer value.

[[Category: OBSE Plug-Ins]]
[[Category: Functions]]
[[Category: Functions]]
[[Category: Functions (OBSE)]]
[[Category: Functions (OBSE)]]
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