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Talk:Bink Video Tutorial

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Good job documenting this process. I created a cinematic cut-scene for the Lost Paladins of the Divines but ended up scrapping it since the video file was too large to justify the increase download size.

LHammonds 00:11, 31 July 2007 (EDT)

Yeah, they can range up there in size. I created one that is approxiamately 7-8 seconds long and it is 4.8MB in size. Bethesda's are even larger. I imagine that is part of the reason why they didn't make cut scenes for all the daedra quests. Which I suppose is kind of ironic seeing as they created a 4.18GB DVD and didn't put enough file data on it to fill a CD.
--ShadowDancer 16:28, 1 August 2007 (EDT)