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I am looking to enable FastTravel only while Mounted on a horse.

Can I use the EnableFastTravel command in a script?

Im going to just write this down, to illustrate that I dont know what I am doing. But hopefully someone will see what I am trying to do:

scriptname HorseOnly
Short Mounted
begin GameMode
If Mounted == 1
EnableFastTravel 1
If Mounted == 0
EnableFastTravel 0
set fQuestDelayTime to 10

When I make this script the Oblivion Contruction Set excepts it with no errors. But I have no idea how to actually make it work. I guess it needs to be attached to a quest or something. Any ideas?

Make it a global script would be one way

-TaggeD 11:14, 2 April 2006 (EDT)

See, I dont have any idea what I am doing. The only thing I know how to do is include/add some extra instructions, connected to some NPC dialog, and things like that. I dont know how to actually do anything. The little script I made above, is simply a cobbled-together jumble of script elements, I found in other scripts.

If Mounted == 0 that is from the games 'Horse respawn when killed' script

EnableFastTravel that is just the simple console command to change the flag

set fQuestDelayTime to 10 is from a random script example found here. (to check itself every 10)

begin GameMode was my attempt to make it global. I do not know how to make something global (I dont know anything. I can not stress that enough)

and Short Mounted, I dont know what that does, but I get an error message without it


I know its an old question, "Short Mounted" creates a integer variable named "Mounted" and you are checking it even when there is no code to update its value.

I suggest adding "set Mounted to player.IsRidingHorse" without quotes before your if-statement.

Okay my question, knowing that there are areas where you should not be allowed to fast travel from I'm suspecting that playing with this could break things if there are more then one script that disables/enables it or does it work in any other way?

Depending on how it works I think it the article should be updated with either a warning that it could break other no fast-travel locations, or a better explanation how the command works.

--Evildeeds 11:18, 1 March 2009 (EST)