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Could anybody explain further on what #9 means? I seem to have an issue with NPCs standing idly, staring off into space, for no apparent reason (they have various AI packages they could be doing stuff with, but they just choose to stand there..) --MaXiMiUS 18:03, 9 June 2006 (EDT)

Check to see if the AI packages you used have AI procedures in them. You should have a look at GetCurrentAIProcedure, if that's any help. I admit, I don't really know much about the AI in this game yet. The Imperial Dragon 18:18, 9 June 2006 (EDT)
Actors stand idly when A) They have no energy or B) They have no path to their current wandering package. If you have two areas that are not linked, for example, and you set the actor's package to wander in the opposite area, the actor will just stand there. To fix this, use SubSpaces when appropriate or make the wandering package only available to the current area. You might also have problems with the pathing grid.--Omzy 18:26, 9 June 2006 (EDT)