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I've heard that this function is unreliable. Anyone have any information on this? --DragoonWraith 11:27, 23 May 2006 (EDT)

You probably heard that from me, which was reported in a forum thread I happened to be following. I ought to track down that comment :) Since then I have used this for various interior cell checks and it seems to work reliably for me so far. If memory serves, the original thread was having issues either with outdoor cells or doing a lot of MoveTo type things, neither of which are scenarios I've duplicated yet. -- Nezroy 11:51, 23 May 2006 (EDT)
OK, tracked down the original threads here, here, and here. Looks like it was BoboBrown reporting the GetInSameCell issues. I don't see that it was ever resolved or validated one way or the other. I may do some more extensive testing of this later if I get a chance. -- Nezroy 12:00, 23 May 2006 (EDT)
OK, I wanted to use this for tracking a change in cells (i.e. if != 1 reset the script), will it work for that purpose? I haven't read those threads yet, though I'm about to, but I was wondering if you had any thoughts/information on this. If not, I'll try some things and report back here. --DragoonWraith 17:03, 23 May 2006 (EDT)
I'm not really clear on what exactly you are trying to do, so I can't really say if this mechanism would work for you or not. -- Nezroy 11:13, 24 May 2006 (EDT)

Exterior cells[edit source]

Does this function work with exterior cells? GetInCell requires that the cell reference parameter is an interior cell, obliging for the use of an interior dummy "prefix" cell reference if an exterior cell is considered. Is it the same for this function, even though its parameter is not a cell reference but an actor reference? --HawkFest 14:11, 10 April 2009 (EDT)

It works with exterior cells too. It doesn't specifically need an actor reference as a parameter though - Any vaild reference would do.
shadeMe TALK 20:57, 10 April 2009 (EDT)