This function does not send me to jail or subtract my gold![edit source]
It just cleans my crime gold and removes my stolen items.
This is entered in the in-game console: player.payfine
This function has never once sent me to jail or reduced my personal gold by any amount when called in the above manner.
I am running the game on a Windows 2000 Professional, if that helps.
!Dragon 20:44, 8 November 2006 (EST)
Try it in a dialog result or in a script, rather than the console. In the vanilla game, it is used by itself (without a GoToJail) in dialog with guards. So I think it may just behave differently when called from the console, like many other functions. But it would be worth testing it to make sure. Scruggs 23:27, 8 November 2006 (EST)
I tested it in a script and it did not take me to jail. !Dragon 20:39, 25 November 2006 (EST)