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Note: The above is incorrect in my observations. Based on my experience, the higher the value, the more it bounces.

  • 0 = no movement
  • 100 = normal
  • Values larger than 100 can actually cause the object to gain momentum when it bounces.

Using this function on objects with skeletons (NPCs, creatures, etc.) causes the "bones" to stretch or contract. --Deathbane27 06:31, 14 August 2006 (EDT)

In my experience it's exactly like stated in the article, an object with a rigid body mass of 50+ is very hard to move at all, and one with 100 won't even move when you run into it.--JOG 11:32, 26 August 2006 (EDT)
The various observations are due to the fact that the mass of a bhkRigidBody alone controls nothing about the movement, only the combination with other properties like friction does. Also, there is no such thing as a "maximum force" the player can exert onto bodies, so if it is movable (mass < 95), it can be moved at 80 mass as much as at 50 mass, though the movement will be much smoother at 80: If the player moves the mouse half of the screen while grabbing the object, the force is greater than it would be for a mass of 50, moved half the screen, and thus the movement overcomes friction more easy.
If you want a really smoothly moving object, go for high mass and low friction.
My experiences with this function mirror Deathbane's. SetRigidBodyMass 0 gives an unmovable object, while SetRigidBodyMass 100 results in an object that will bounce wildly once moved (presumably because it never loses momentum).--Speedo 14:47, 18 April 2008 (EDT)

(Moving conversation back over to the left). My personal experience with the function is that a value of 0 gives an immovable object. I have not been able to determine a difference between 80 and 100 but I have only used this function on NPC's. Does anyone know the default rigidbodymass for an NPC? or anything for that matter? Bethesda really know how to get the modding community to go AYE? :S (aka utter flabbergastation). GetRigidBodyMass wouldnt have gone amiss. Has anyone found this function work effectively on books? --Antares 09:42, 29 August 2008 (EDT)

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