
From the Oblivion ConstructionSet Wiki
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This template is used to create correctly-formatted function documentation pages. Primarily for the sake of standardizing the syntax sections.

  | origin            = whether the function came from the CS itself or was added by OBSE.
                        valid values: CS1 (TES CS 1.0), CS1.1 (TES CS 1.1), CS1.2 (TES CS 1.2), OBSE
  | summary           = description of the function

  | name              = the name of the function. The page name is the default value.
  | alias             = An abbreviated version of the function name that can be
                        used instead of the long name.
  | returnVal         = what the function returns.
  | returnType        = the type of the returned value.
  | referenceType     = if appropriate, the type of reference that the function may be called
                        on with the dot syntax
  | referenceOpt      = if can take a reference, whether it must take a reference.
  | arguments         = List of arguments specified using the {{FunctionArgument}} template,
                        or any other wiki syntax.

  | altName           = the name of an alternate version of a function (e.g. the "C" Magic Effect functions)
  | altAlias          = the alias of the alternate function.
  | altRetVal         = the return value of the alternate function, if different. Defaults to the same as the regular function.
  | altRetType        = the return type of the alternate function, if different. Defaults to the same as the regular function.
  | altRefType        = if different from the regular function, the reference used by the alternate version.
  | altRefOpt         = whether the alternate's reference is optional.
  | altArgs           = List of arguments for the alternate version of the function.

  | alt2Name          = the name of a second alternate version of a function
  | alt2Alias         = the alias of any second alternate version of a function
  | alt2RetVal         = the return value of the second alternate function, if different. Defaults to the same as the regular function.
  | alt2RetType        = the return type of the second alternate function, if different. Defaults to the same as the regular function.
  | alt2RefType        = if different from the regular function, the reference used by the second alternate version.
  | alt2RefOpt         = whether the second alternate's reference is optional.
  | alt2Args          = List of arguments for the second alternate version of the function.

  | example           = optionally, the function used as part of a script to serve as an example
  | CategoryList      = the list of categories to which the page belongs


 |origin = OBSE
 |summary = Sets the constant effect barter factor of the magic effect.
 |name = SetMagicEffectBarterFactor
 |alias = SetMEBarterFactor
 |altName = SetMagicEffectBarterFactorC
 |altAlias = SetMEBarterFactorC
 |returnVal = nothing
 |returnType = void
 |arguments = 
   |Name = newBarterFactor
   |Type = float
   |Name = effect
   |Type = chars
 |altArgs = 
   |Name = newBarterFactor
   |Type = float
   |Name = effectCode
   |Type = long
 |example = SetMagicEffectBarterFactor 5 FIDG
 SetMEBarterFactorC 1.5 1397247044 ; code for SHLD


A function added by the Oblivion Script Extender.


(nothing) SetMagicEffectBarterFactor   
(nothing) SetMEBarterFactor   
(nothing) SetMagicEffectBarterFactorC   
(nothing) SetMEBarterFactorC

Sets the constant effect barter factor of the magic effect.


SetMagicEffectBarterFactor 5 FIDG
SetMEBarterFactorC 1.5 1397247044 ; code for SHLD